Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART III. of gracious Af5tions: 265 Whereas the holy Principles that a&uate a true Saint, have a far more powerful Influence to fir him up to Earneftnefs in feekingGod and 44 Hands off ! And touch not this Ark, left the Lord flay thee CG A Chrift of Clouts would ferve your Turn as well." Ibid « p. 7r. G6 An Hypocrite's Light goes out, and grows not. Hence many G' ancient Standers take all their Comfort from their firftWork, 44 and droop when in old Age." Ibid p. 77. And p. 93, 94. Mr. Shepard, mentioning the Chara6ters of thofe that have a dead Hope, fays, " They that content themfelves '' with any Meafure of Holinefs and Grace, they look not for Chrift's Coming arid Company. For Saints that do look for him, tho' they have not that Holinefs and Grace they would have, yet they ref not fatisfied with any Meafure ; c< i John 3. 3. He that bath this Hope, purifeth hirnfelfas be is " pure. The Saints content not themfelves with any Dref " fings, 'till made glorious; and fo fit for Fellowfhip with that 6G Spoufe. When aMan leaves not, 'till he gets fuch a Mea- cc fure of Faith and Grace, and nowwhen he has got this, con- "" tents himfelf with this, as a good Sign that he (hall he faved, he looks not for Chrift. Or when Men are heavily laden 44 with Sin ; then dole with Chrift ; and then are comforted, " feal'd, and have Joy that fills them; and now the Work is " done. And when Men (hall not content themfelves with r c anyMeafure ; but with they had more, ifGrace would grow, « while they tell Clocks and fit idle ; and fo God muff do all ; 44 but do not purge themfelves, and make Work of it." Again, p. 109. c' There is never a Hypocrite living, but clofeth with Chrift for his own Ends : For he cannot work beyond cc his Principle. Now when Men have ferved their ownTurns « out of another Man, away they go, and keep that which they have. An Hypocrite clofeth with Chrift, as a Man with a rich Shop : He will not be at Coft to buy all the ,c Shop, but fo much as ferves his Turn. Commonly Men in Horror, Peek fo much of Chrift as will eafe them ; and hence ;t profefs, and hence feek for fo much of Chrift as Will credit 46 them ; and hence their Defires after Chrift are foon fatisfied. "" .4ppetitus Finis fl infinities." ac WO to thee that canft paint fuch a Chrift in thy Head, and re- _` ceive fuch a Chrift into thy Heart, as mutt be a Pander to t" your Sloth. The Lord will revenge this Wrong done to his e Glory, with greater Sorrows than ever any felt : To make Ch ift