266 The eleventh Sign PART III. and Holinefs, than fervile Fear. Hence Peeking God is fpoken of as one of the diffinguithing Characters of the Saints ; and thofe that feek God, is one of the Names by which the Godlyare called in Scripture ; Pfal. 24. 6. This is the Generation of them thatfeek him, that feek thy Face, O Jacob. Pfal. 69. 6. Let not thofe that feek thee be confounded for my Sake. Verte 32. TheHumble'hall fee this and be glad, andyour Heart 'hall live that feek God. And 74. 4. Let all thofe that feek thee rejoice, and be glad in thee ; and let fuch as love thy Salvation fay conti- nually, the Lord be magnified. And the Scriptures every where repre- fent the Seeking, Striving and Labour of a Chriftian, as being chiefly after his Converfion, and his Converfion as being but the Beginning of his Work. And almoft all that is faid in the new Teffament, of Men's watching, giving earneft Heed to themfelves, running theRace that is Pet before them, ffriving and agonizing, wreftling not with Fle.fh and Blood, but Principalities and Powers, fighting, putting on the whole Armour of God, and {landing, having done all to ffand, preffing forward, reaching forth, continuing inftant in Prayer, crying to God Day and Night ; I fay, almoft all that is laid in the new Teftament of thefe Things, is fpoken of, and direc`fed to the Saints. Where thefe Things are applied to Sinners feeking Converfion once, they are fpoken of the Saints Profecution of the great Bufinefs of their highCalling tenTimes. But many in thefeDays have got into a ftrange antifcriptural Way,of having all their Striving &Wreffling over before " Chriff not only Meat and Drink to feed, but Cloaths to co- " ver your Sloth. Why what can we do ? What can we cc do ? Why as the firft 2dam conveys not only Guilt, but " Power ; fo the Second conveys both Righteoufnefs and " Strength." Ibid p. 158. " When the Lord hath given fome Light and Affection, and fame " Comfort, and fome Reformation, now a Man grows full " here. Saints do for God ; and carnal Hearts do fomething " too ; but a little fills them, and quiets them, and fo damns " them. And hence Men at the firff Work upon them, are " very diligent in the Ufe of Means ; but after that, they be cc brought to neglect Prayer, fleep out Sermons, and to be " carelefs, faplefs, lifelefs. - ---" Ibid p. 210. 46 It is an Argument of Want of Grace, when a Man faith to {Y himfelf, as the Glutton Paid to his Soul, Take thy Re/l, for " thou hall Goods laidup for many Years. So thou haft Repen- " tance, and Grace, and Peace enough for many Years : And " hence the Soul takes it's Reff, grows fluggifh and negligent. " Oh, if you die in this Cafe, this Night thy Soul fhall be ta- ken away to Hell," ibid. p. 227. they