PART III. ofgracious . lions. 267 they are converted ; and fo having an eafy Time of it afterwards, to fit down and enjoy their Sloth and Indolence ; as thofe that now have a Supply of their Wants, and are become rich and full. But when the Lord fills the Hungry with good `Things, thefe Rich are like to be feat away empty, Luke 1. 53 But doubtlefs there are fome Hypocrites, that have only falle Affec- tions, who will think they are able to ftand thisTrial ; and will readily fay, that they defire not to reft fatisfied with paft Attainments, but to be preffing forward, they do defiro more, they long after God and Chrift, and defire more Holinefs, and do Peek it. But the Truth is, their Defires are not properly the Defires of Appetite after Holinefs, for its own Sake, or for the moral Excellency and holy Sweetnefs that is in it ; but only for By-Ends. They long after clearer Difcoveries, that they may be better fatisfied about the State of their Souls ; or becaufe in great Difcoveries, Self is gratified, in being made fo much of by God, and fo exalted above others, they long to tafte the Love of God (as they call it) more than to have more Love to God. Or, it may be, they have a kind of forced, fancied or made Longings ; becaufe they think they mutt long for moreGrace,otherwife it will beva darkSign upon them. But fuchThings as thefe are far different fram the natural, and as it were neceffaryAppetite andThirftingof the new Man,after God &Holinefs. There is an inward burningDefire that a Saint has after Holinefs, as natural to the new Creature, as vital Heat is to the Body. There is a holy Breathing and Panting after the Spi- rit of God, to increafe Holinefs, as natural to a holy Nature, as breath- ing is to a living Body. And Holinefs or San6tification is more di- reétly the ObjeC`t of it, than any Manifeftation of God's Love and Fa- vour. This is the Meat and Drink that is the Objedt of the fpiritual Appetite ; John 4. 34. My Meat is to do the Will of him that feat me, and to fnif his Work. Where we read in Scripture of the Defires, Longings and Thirftings of the Saints, Righteoufnefs and God's Laws are much more frequently mention'd, as the Obje& of them, than any Thing elfe. The Saints defire the fincere Milk of the Word, not fo much to tefify God's Love to them, as that they may grow thereby in Holinefs. I have (hewn before that Holinefs is thatGoo.d which is the immediate Objeét of a fpiritual Tafte. But undoubtedly the fame Sweetnefs ,hat is the chief Obje61 of a fpiritual Tafte, is alfo the chief Object of a fpiritual Appetite. Grace is the godly Man's Treafure ; Ifai. 33. 6. The Fear of the Lord is his Trea- fure. Godlinefs iG the Gain that he is coveteous and greedy of ; r Tim. 6. 6. i pocrites long for Difcoveries, more for the prefent Comfort o' he afcoverv, and the high Manifeftation of God's Love in it, than or : n fan tifying Influence of it. But neither a Longing after e rat Disc ,v.evies, or after great Tattes of the Love of God, nor Longing to be in Heaven, nor Longing to die, are in any Mea- fure