268 The twelfth Sign PRAT III. lure fo difringuifhing Marks of true Saints, as Longing after a more holy Heart, and living a more holy Life. But I am come now to the ha diftinguifhing Mark of holy Affec- tions that I fhall mention. XII. Gracious and holy Affeaions have their Exercife and Fruit in Chriftian Practice. I mean, they have that Influence and Power upon him who is the Subje1 of 'em, that they caufe that a Praélice, which is univerfally conformed to, and direaed by chriftian Rules, fhould be the Practice and Bufinefs of his Life. This implies three Things ; i. That his Behaviour or Praaice in the World, be univerfally conformed to, and direaed by chriftian Rules. 2. That he makes a Bufinefs of fuch a holy Practice above all Things ; that it be a Bufinefs which he is chiefly engaged in, and devoted to, and purfues with higheft Earneftnefs and Diligence : So that he may be laid to make this Practice of Religion eminently his Work and Bufnefs. And 3. That he perfifls in it to the End of Life So that it may be Paid, not only to be his Bufinefs at certain Seafons, the Bufinefs of Sabbath Days, or certain extraordinary Times, or the Bufinefs of a Month, or a Year, or of feven Years, or his Bufinefs under certain Circumftances ; but the Bufinefs of his Life ; it being that Bufinefs which he perfeveres in through all Changes, and under all Trials, as long as he lives. The Neceffity of each of thefe, in all true Chriftians, is molt clear- ly and fully taught in the Word of God. x. 'Tis neceffary that Men fhould be univerfally obedient : ° z John 3. 3. &c. Every Man that hath this Hope in him, purified) himfelf, " He that pretends to Godlinefs, and turns afide to crooked " Ways, is an Hypocrite : For thofe that are really godly, do " live in a Way of Obedience ; Pfal. r to. 5, 2, 3. Bled " are the Undefiled in the Way, that walk in the Law ofthe Lord. c They alfo do no Iniquity. Luke I. 6. They were both righteous e; before God, walking in all the Commandments of the Lord blame- ` lefs. But fuch as live in Ways of Sin, are Diffemblers ; { for all fuch will be rejected in theDay of Judgment ; Matth. " 7. 23. Depart fromme ye that work Iniquity. The like we have Luke 13. 27. If Men live in a Way of Difobedience, dG they don't love God ; for Love will make Men keep God's ,c Commandments ; i John S. 3. Herein is Love, that we keep , c his