Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART I. in holy .4 ed ons. Aífe&ions, as prefent or abfent, certain or uncertain, probable or im- probable, arife all thofe other, Af£e&ions of Defre, Hope, Fear, Toy, Grief, Gratitude,. Anger, &c. From a vigourous, affèc &ionate, and fervent Love to God, will neceffirily arife-other refit reeus Afe6tions : . hence will arife an intenfe Hatred and Abhorrence of Sin, Fearof Sin, and a Dreadof God's Difpleafure, Gratitude to God for his Goodnefs, Complacence and `oy in God when God is graciouihr sad fenfibly prefent, and Grief when he is abfent, and a joyful Rope when a fu- ture Enjoyment of God is expeled, and fervent Zeal for the Glory of God. And in like Manner, from a fervent Love to Men, will a- rife all other vertuous Affeaions towards Men. 6. The Religion of the moft eminent Saints we have an Account of in the Scripture, confifted much in holy flfe bons. I (hall take particular Notice of three eminent Saints, which have expr fs'd the Frame and Sentiments of their own Hearts, and (o de- fcribed their own Religion, and the Manner of their Intercourfe with God, in the Writings which they have left us, that are a Part of the facred Canon. Thefirfr Inftance I (hall take notice of, is David, that Man after God's own Heart ; who has given us a lively Portraiture of his Reli- gion, in the Book of Pfàlms. Thofe holy Songs of his, he has there left us, are nothing elfe but the Expreffions and-Breathings of devout ` and holy 2,Ructions ; fuch as an humble and fervent Love to God, Admiration of his glorious Perfections and wonderful Works, earneft Defires, Thirr`lings and Pantings of Soul after God, Delight and 'icy in God, a Tweet and melting Gratitude to God for his great Good- nefs, an holy Exultation and Triumph ofSoul in the Favour, Suffici- ency and Faithfulnefs of God, his Love to, and Delight in the- Saints the excellent of the hearth, his great Delight in the Word and Ordi- nances of God, his Grief for his own and others Sins, and his fervent Zeal for God, and againft the Enemies ofGod and his Church. And theíeExprefons of holyAffc Eon,which thePfalms ofDavid are every where full of, are the more to tiur prefent Purpofe, becauf8e thofe Pfalms are not only the Expreffìons of the Religion of fo em inent a_ Saint,thatGod (peaks of as fo agreeable to hisMind but were alfo,by the Diredtion of the Holy Ghoft, penn'd for the Ufe of the Church of God in its publick Worfhip, not only in that Age, but in after Ages ; as being fitted to exprefs theReligion of all Saints, in all Ages,_ as well as the Religion of the Pfalmift.. And it is moreover to be ob- ferved, that David, in the Book of Pfalms, fpeaks not as a private Perfon, but as the Pfa/mift of Ifrael, as the fubordinate Head of the, Churchof God, and Leader in their Worfhip and Praifes ; and in. many of the Pfalms, (peaks in the Name of Chrift, as perfonatina him, in thefe Breathings forth of holyAffition, and in many other Pfalms, he fpeaks it the Name of the Church Another ,i