Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART III, of gracious 4fléc1ions. 3 2 I from all others to be infifted on. Which is an invincible Argument that it is the Chief of all the Evidences of Godlinefs : Unlefs we fup- pole that when Chrift and hisApoftles on Defign, fet themfelves about this Bufinefs of giving Signs, by which profeffing Chriftians in all Ages might determine their State, they did not know how to choofe Signs fo well as we could have chofen for 'em. But if we make the Word of Chrift our Rule, then undoubtedly thofe Marks which Chrift and his Apoftles did chiefly lay down, and give to us, that we might try ourfelves by them, thofe fame Marks we ought efpecially to receive,and chiefly to make ufe of,in theTrial of ourfelves. Tt And furely thofe Things which Chrift and his Apoftles chiefly infìfted on in the Rules they gave, Minifters ought chiefly to infift on in the Rules they give.To infift much on thofeThings that theScripture infifts little on, and to infift very little on thofe Things on which the Scrip- ture infifts much, is a dangerous Thing ; becaufe it is going out of God's Way, and is to judge ourfelves, and guide others, in an un- fcriptural Manner. God knew which Way of leading and guiding Souls was fafeft and heft for them : He infifted fo much on fome Things, becaufe he knew it to be needful that they fhauld be infifted on ; and let other Things more alone, as a wife God, becaufe he knew it was not belt for us, fo much to lay the Weight of the Trial there. As the Sabbath was made for Man, fo the Scriptures were made for Man ; and they are by infinite Wifdom fitted for our Ufe and Benefit. We fhould therefore make them our Guide in all Things, in our Thoughts of Religion, and of ourfelves. And for us to make that great which the Scripture makes little, and that little which the Scripture makes great, tends to give us a monftrous Idea of Religion ; and (at leaft indirectly and gradually) to lead us wholly away from the right Rule, and from a right Opinion of ourfelves, and to eftablifh Delufion and Hypocrify. Argument V. Chriftian Practice is plainly fpoken of in the Word of God, as the main Evidence of the Truth of Grace, not only too- thers, but to Men'sown Confciences. It is not only more fpoken of and infifted on than other Signs, but in many Places where it is fpoken of, it is reprefented as the Chief of all Evidences. This is plain in the Manner of Expreffion from Time to Time. If God were now to fpeak fromHeaven to refolve our Doubts concerning Signs of God- linefs, and fhould give fome particular Sign, that by it all might know $ GG It is a lure Rule, ( fays Dr. Prjion) that what the Scriptures Words beftow much on, we fhould have muchTho'ts on ; ft and what the holy Ghoft urgeth moil, we fhould prize molt." Churches Carriage. Y whether