Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

20 Religion confi/ls much PART I. evident by many Scriptures, as Pray. 4.18. fohn 4. 14. and Chap. 6. 40, 47, 50, 51, 54 58. 'John 3. 15.1 Cor. 13. 8, g, 10, i r, 12. 'Tis unreafonable therefore to fuppofe, that the Love and Joy of the Saints in Heaven, not only differ in Degree and Circumflances, from the holy Love and Joy of the Saints on Earth, but is fo entirely different in Nature, that they are no Affections ; and meerly becauCe they have no Blood and animal Spirits to be fet in Motion by them, which Motion of the Blood and animal Spirits is not of the Effence of there Affeetions, in Men on the Earth, but the Effeet of them ; althQ' by their Reaction they may make fotne circumflantial Diffe- rence in the Senfation of the Mind. There is a Senfation of the Mind which loves and rejoices, that is antecedent to anyEffeEts on theFluids of the Body; and this Senfation of theMind,therefore don't depend on thefeMotions in theBody, and fo may be in theSoul without theBody. And wherever there are the Exercifes of Love and Joy, there is that Senfation of the Mind, whether it be in the Body, or out ; and that inward Senfation, or kind of fpiritual Senfe, or Feeling, and Motion of the Soul, is what is called Affee`tion ; The Soul when it thus feels, ( ill may fo fay ) and is thus moved, is Paid to he affected, and efpe- daily when this inward Senfation and Motion, are to a very high De- gree, as they are in the Saints in Heaven. If we can learn any thing of the State of Heaven from the Scripture, the Love and Joy that the Saints have there, is exceeding great and vigorous ; impref- fing the Heart with the frongeff and molt lively Senfation, of inex- preffible Sweetnefs, mightily moving, animating, and engaging them, making them like to a Flame of Fire. And if fuch Love and Joy ben't Affe&ions, then the Word Affection is ofno Ufe in Language. Will any fay, that the Saints in Heaven, in beholding the Face of their Father and the Glory of their Redeemer, and contemplating his wonderful Works, and particularly his laying down his Life for them, have their Hearts nothing moved and affected, by all which they behold or confider ? Hence therefore the Religion of Heaven, confifting chiefly in holy Love and Joy, confifts very much in Affection : And therefore un- doubtedly, true Religion confifls very much in Affection. The Way to learn the true Nature of any Thing, is to go where that Thing is to be found in it's Purity and Perfection. If we would know the Nature of true Gold, we muff view it, not in the Oar, but when it is refined. If we would learn what true Religion is, we mutt go where there is true Religion, and nothing but true Religion, and in it's higheft Perfeétion, without any Defect or Mixture. All who are truely religious are not of this World, they are Strangers here, and belong toHeaven ; they are born from above, Heaven is their native Country, and the Nature which they receive by this hea- venly Birth, is an heavenly Nature, they receive an llnointingfrom if- íi>ve that Principle of true Religion which is in them, is a Commu- nication