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PART III. of gracious Apt-lions. 323 -- --Whofoever cloth not Righteoufnefs is not of God.:' So we have the like Emphafis 2 John 6. "'''Tit is IS LOVE, that we walk after his Conrnandments.' That is ( as we mutt underfland it ) This is the proper Evidence of Love. So i John 5. 3. ' THIS IS THE LOVE OF GOD, that We keep his Commandments So the Apofale 'fames, fpeaking of the proper Evidences of true and pure Religion, fags, Jam. I. 27. ' Pure Religion, and undefiled before God and the Father, is THIS, to vifit the Fatherlefs and Widows in their Afflic- tion, and to keep himfelf unfpotted from the. World.' We have the like emphatical Expreilions ufed about the fame Thing in the old Teftament ; Job 28. 28. ' And unto Man he laid, Behold the Fear of the Lord, that is Wifdom, and to,depart from Evil is Under- ftanding. Jer. 22. 15, 16. ' Did not thy Father eat and drink, and do Judgment and Juftice ? - - -- He judged the Caufe of the Poor and Needy : Was not this to know me ? faith the Lord.' Pfal. 34.. 11, &c. ' Come ye Children unto me, and I will teach you the Fear of the Lord. -- -Keep thy Tongue from Evil, and thy Lips from fpeaking Guile ; depart from Evil, and do Good, leek Peace, and purfue it.' Pfal. 1' at the Beginning, ' 'Who fhali abide in thy Tabernacle ? Who thall dwell in his holy Hill ? He that walketh up- rightly, &c.' Pfal. 24. 3, 4. '- Who fhall afcend into the Hill of the Lord ? And who fnall Rand in thy holy Place ? He that bath clean Hands, and a pure Heart, ' &c.' Pfal. £19. 1. ' Blefled are the Undefiled in the Way, who walk in the Law of the Lord.' Ver. 6. ' Then (hall I not be afhamed, When I have RefpeEt to all thy Commandments.' Prov. 8. 13. ' The Fear of, the Lord is to hate Evil. So the Scripture never ufes loch emphatical Expreflions concerning any other Signs of Hypocrify, and Unfoundnefs of Heart, as concern- ing an unholy Practice. So Gal. 6. 7. " Be not deceived, God is not mocked : For whatfoever a Man foweth, that flall he alfó reap.' 1 Cor. 6. 9, 1 O. ' Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Ido- laters, &c. (hall inherit the Kingdom of God. ' Fph. . 5, 6. ' For this know, that no Whoremonger, nor unclean Perfon, &c. hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Chrift and of God Let no Man deceive you with vain Words. 1 John 3. 7, 8. ' Little Children, let no Man deceive you ; he that doth,Righteoufnefs is- righteous, even as he is righteous : He-that committeth Sin is ofthe Devil. ' Chap. 2. 4. ' He that faith, I know'hinì, and keepeth not his Commandments, is a Liar, and theTrufh is not in him.' And Chap. r. 6. ' If we fay we have Fellowfhip with him, and walk in Darknefs, we lie, and do not the Truth. ' Jam. 1. 27. ' If any Man among you feem to be religious, and bridleth not his Tongue, but deceiveth his own Heart, this Man's Religion is vain. ' Chap. 3. 14, 15. " If ye have bitter Envying and Strife in your Hearts, glory