Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

324 the twelfth Sign PART IIIa glory not, and lie not againft the Truth : This Wifdom defcendeth not from above, but is earthly, fenfual, devilifh. ' Pfa1. 125. 5. t As for fuch as turn afide to their crooked Ways, the Lord fhall lead them forth with the Workers of Iniquity. ' Ifai. 35. 8. ' An high Way fmall be there, and it (hall be called the Way of Holinefs ; the Unclean fhall not pats over it. ' Rev. 21. 27.4 And there fhall in no wife enter into it, whatfoever worketh Abomination or maketh a Lie : ' And in many Places. ' Depart from ye, I know you not, ye that work Iniquity. ' /Irgument VI. Another Thing which makes it evident, that holy Practice is the chief of all the Signs of the Sincerity of Profeflbrs, not only to the World, but to their own Confciences, is, that this is the grandEvidence which will hereafter be made ufe of, before the Judg- ment Seat of God ; according to which his Judgment will be regu- lated, and the State of every Profefhor of Religion unalterably deter- mined. In the future Judgment, there will be an open Trial of ProfefFors ; and Evidences will be made ufe of in the Judgment. For God's future judging of Men, in order to their eternal Retribu- tion, will not be his trying, and finding out, and palling a Judgment upon the State of Men's Hearts, in his own Mind ; but it will be a declarativeJudgment : And the End of it will be, notGod's forming a Judgment within himfelf, but the Manifeftation of his Judgment, and the Righteoufnefs of it, to Men's own Confciences, and to theWorld. And therefore the Day of Judgment is called the Day of the Revela- tion of the righteousudgment of God, Rom. 2. 5. And the End of God's future Trial and Judgment ofMen, as to the Part that each one in particular is to have in the Judgment, will be efpecially the clear Manifeftation of God's righteous Judgment, with Refpe1 to him, to his Confcience : As is manifeft by Matti). 18. 31, to the End. Chap. 20. 8, - --15. Chap. 22. l r, 12, 13. Chap. 25. 19, - --30. and Verfe 35, to the End. Luke 19. 15, - --23. And there- fore tho' God needs no Medium, whereby to make the Truth evi- dent to himfelf, yet Evidences will be made ufe of in his future judg- ing of Men. And doubtlefs the Evidences that will be made ufe of in their Trial, will be fuch as will be belt fitted to ferve the Ends of the Judgment ; viz. the Manifeftation of the righteous Judgment of God, not only to the World, but to Men's own Confciences. But the Scriptures do abundantly teach us, that the grand Evidences which the Judge will make ufe in the Trial, for there Ends, according to which the Judgment of every one fhall be regulated, and the irrever- fible Sentence pafs'd, will be Men's Works, or Praétice, here in this World : Rev. 20. 12. ' And 1 law the Dead, fmall and great, hand before God ; and the Books were opened---And the Dead were judged out of thofe Things which. were written in the Books, accor- ding