PART III. of gracious 4teIioEs. 333 the holy Acts of the Mind, directing and governing the Motions of the Body. And the Motions of the Body are to be looked upon as belonging to chriffian Practice, only fecondarily, and as they are de- pendent and confequent on the Acts of the Soul. The Exercifes of Grace that Chriftians find, or are confcious to, within themfelves, are what they experience within themfelves ; and herein therefore lies chriffian Experience : And this chriffian Experience, conlifts as much in thofe operative Exercifes of Grace in the Will, that are immediate- ly concerned in the Management of the Behaviour of the Body, as in other Exercifes. Thefe inward Exercifes, are not the lets a Part of chriffian Experience, becaufe they have outward Behaviour imme- diately connee`ted with them. A ftrong ACt of Love to God, is not the lets aPart of fpiritual Experience,becaufe it is theA& that immedi- ately produces and efIllts fome Pelf- denying and expenfive outward Action, which is much to the Honour and Glory of God. To (peak of chriffian Experience and Practice, as if they were two Things, properly and entirely di'ftinct, is to make a Diftinction with- out Confideration or Reafon. Indeed all chriffian Experience is not properly called Practice ; but all chriffian Practice is properly Expe- rience. And the Diftinction that is made between them, is not only - an unreafonable, but an unfcriptural Diftinction. Holy Practice is. one Kind orPart of chriffian Experience ; and both Reafon and Scrip- ture reprefent it as -the chief, and molt important, and molt diftin- guifhing Part of it. So it is reprefented in Jer. 22. 15, i6. ' Did not thy Father eat and drink, an I do Juftice and Judgment ? -- - -He judged the Caufe of the Poor a'.d Needy : ---Was not this to know me ? faith the Lord. ' Our inward Acquaintance with God, furely belongs to the Head of experimental Religion ; but this God . repre- fents,as confifting chiefly in thatExperience which there is inholyPrac tice. So the Exercifes of thofe Graces of the Love of God, and the Fear of God, are a Part of experimental Religion ; but thefe the Scripture reprefents as confifting chiefly in Practice, in thofe foremen- tion'd Texts. i John 5. 3. ' This is the Love of God, that we keep his Commandments. ' 2 John 6. ' This is Love, that we walk after his Commandments. ' Pfal. 34. I I, &C. ' Come, ye Children, and I will teach you the Fear of the Lord :---Depart from Evil, and do Good. ' Such Experiences as thefe Hezekiah tookCom- fort in chiefly, on his fick Bed : When he faid, ' Remember, O Lord, I befeech thee, how I have walked before thee, in Truth, and with a perfect Heart. ' And fuch Experiences as thefe,. the Pfalmift chiefly infifts upon, in the u9th Pfalm, and elfewhere. Such Ex- periences as thefe, the Apoftle Paul mainly infifts upon, when he fpeaks of his Experiences in his Epiftles; as Rom. i. 9. God is my Witnefs, whom I ferve with my Spirit, in the Gofpel of his Son --- 2 Cori 1 12. ' For our rejoicing is this, the Teftimony of 'our Confcience.,