334 The twelfth Sign PART III, Confcience,---that by the Grace of God, we have had our Conver- fation in the World. ' Chap. 4. 13. ' We having the fame Spirit of Faith : According as it is written, I have believed, and therefore have I fpoken ; we allo believe, and therefore fpeak. ' Chap. S. 7. ' We walk by Faith, not by Sight. ' Verfe 14. ' The Love of Chrift conftraineth us. ' Chap. 6. 4,- --7. ' In allThings approving our felves as the Miniflers of God, in much Patience, in Affliaicns, in Neceffities, in Diftreffes,- --in Labours, in Watchings, in Failings ; by Purenefs, by Knowledge, by Kindnefs, by the holy Ghofl, byLove unfeigned,- --by the Power of God. ' Gal. 2. 20. ' I am crucified with Chrift. Neverthelefs, I live : Yet not I ; but Chrift liveth in me. And the Life which I now live in the Flefh, I liveby the Faith of the Son of God. ' Phil. 3. 7, 8. ' But what Things were gain to me, thofe I counted lots for Chrift : Yea doubtlefs, and I count all Things but Lofs for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Chrift Jefus my Lord, and do count them but Dung that I may win Chrift. ' Col. T. 29. ' Whereunto I alto Labour, ftriving, according to his working, which worketh in me mightily. ' r Thef. 2. 2. ' We are bold in our God, to fpeak unto you the Gofpel of God, with much Contention. ' Verfes 8, 9, ro. ' Being affeaionately defi- rous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the Gofpel of God only, but allo our own Souls ; becaufe ye were dear unto us. For ye remember Brethren, our Labour and Travail, la- bouring Night and Day. Ye are Witneffes, and God alfo, how holily, and juftly, and unblameably we behaved our felves among you. ' And fuch Experiences as thefe, they were, that this bleífe$ Apoftle chiefly comforted himfelf in the Confideration of, when he was going to Martyrdom, 2 Tim. 4. 6, 7. ' For I am now ready to be offered, and the Time of my Departure is at Hand. I have fought a good Fight : I have finifhed my Courfe : I have kept the Faith. ' And not only does the molt important and diflinguifhing Part of chriftian Experience, ly in fpiritual Pra&ice ; hut fuch is the Nature of that Sort of Exercifes ofGrace, wherein fpiritual Praaice confifts, thai nothing is fo properly called by the Name of experimental Religion. For that Experience which is in thefe Exercifes of Grace, that are found, and prove effeElually, at the very Point of Trial, wherein God proves which we will a6lually cleave to, whether Chrift or our Lufls, are as has been fhown already, the proper Experiment of the Truth and Power of our Godlinefs; wherein it's vic'lorious Power and Efficacy, in producing it's proper Effea, and reaching it's End, is found by Experience. This is properly chriftian Experience, wherein the Saints have Opportunity to fee, by actual Experience andTrial, whether they have a Heart to do the Will of God, and to forfake other Things for Chrifl, or no. As that is called experimental Philofophy, which brings