338 The twelfth Sign PART III. not the Worthinefs or Lovelinefs of our Works, or any Thing in us, which, is in any wife accepted with God, as a Balance for the Guilt of Sin, or a Recommendation of Sinners to his Acceptance as Heirs of Life. Thus we are juftified only by the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, and not by our Righteoufnefs. And when Works are oppofed to Faith in this Affair, and it is Paid that we are juftified by Faith and not by Works ; thereby is meant, that it is not the Worthinefs or Amiable- nefs of our Wor'es, or any Thing in us, which recommends us to an Intereft in Chrift and his. Benefits ;, but that we have this Intereft only by Faith, or by our Souls receiving Chrift, or adhering to and ciofing with him. But that the Worthinefs or Amiablenefs of nothing in us recommends and brings us to an Intereft in Chrift,, is no Argument that nothing in us is a Signof an Intereft in Chrift. If the Doctrines òf free Grace, and Juflification by Faith alone, be incoofiftent with the Importance of holy Practice as a Sign ofGrace ; then they are equally inconfiftent with the Importance of any Thing whatfoever in us as a Sign of Grace, any Holinefs, or any Grace that is in us, or any of our Experiences or Religion : for 'tis as contrary to the Dotirines of free Grace and Juflification by Faith alone, that any of there fhould be the Righteoufnefs which we are juftified by, as that holy Practice fhould be fo. ' I'is with holy Works, as it is with holy Qualifications : 'Tis inconfiftent with the Freenefs of Gofpel Grace, that a Title to Salvation fhould be given to Men for the Lovelinefs of any of their holyQualifications, as much as that it fhould be given for the Holinefs of their Works. It is inconfiftent with the Gofpel Doctrine of free Grace, that an Intereft in Chrift and his Be- nefits fhould be given for the Lovelinefs of a Man's true Holinefs, for the Amiablenefs of his renewed, fandified, heavenly Heart, his Love to God, and being like God, or his Experience of Joy in the Holy Ghoft, Self- emptinefs, a Spirit to exalt Chrift above all, and to give all Glory to him, and a Heart devoted unto him : I fay, it is incon fiftent with the. Gofpel Doctrine of free Grace,. that aTitle to Chrift's Benefits fhould be given out of Regard to the Lovelinefs of any of thefe, or that any of thefe fhould be our Righteoufnefs in the Affair of Juftification. And yet this don't hinder the Importance of thefe Things as Evidences of an Intereft in Chrift. Juft fo it is with Re- fpett to holy Actions and Works. To make light of Works, be- caufe we bent juftified by Works, is the fame Thing in Effett, as to make light of all Religion, all Grace and Holinefs, yea, true evange- lical Holinefs, and all gracious Experience : For all is included, when the Scripture Pays, we are not juftified by Works :. For by Works in this Cafe, is meant all our own Righteoufnefs, Religion, or Holinefs, and every Thing that is in us, all the Good we do, and all the Good which we are confcio.us of, all external Acts, and all internal Acts and Exercifes of Grace, and all Experiences, and all thofe holy and hea- venly Things wherein the Life and Power, and the very Effence of Religion