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PART III. ofgracious 4fe11ions. 3 3 9 Religion do confift, all thofe great Things which Chrift and his A- poftles mainly infifted on in their Preaching, and endeavoured to pro- mote, as of the greateft Confequence in the Hearts and Lives of Men, and all good Difpofitions, Exercifes and Qualifications of every Kind whatfoever ; and even Faith it felf, confider'd as a Part of our Holi- nefs. For we are juftified by none of thefeThings : And if we were, we fhould, In a Scripture Senfe, be juftified by Works. And there- fore if it ben't legal, and contrary to the evangelical Doctrine of Juftification without Works, to infili on any ofthofe, as of great Im- portance, as Evidences of an Intereft in Chrift ; then no more is it thus, to infift on the Importance of holy Practice. It would be legal to fuppofe that holyPractice juftifies by bringing us to aTitle toChrift's Benefits, as the Price of it, or as recommending to it by its Preciouf- nefs or Excellence ; but it is not legal to fuppofe, that holy Practice juftifies the Sincerity ofa Believer, as the proper Evidence of it. The Apoftle games did not think it legal to fay, that Abraham our Father was jujiiified by Works in this Senfe. The Spirit that indited the Scrip- ture did not think the great Importance and abfolute Neceffity ofholy Practice, in this Refpect, to be inconfiftent with the Freenefs of Grace ; for it commonly teaches 'em both together ; as in Rev. 21. 6, 7. God Pays, I willgive unto him that is Athirfl, of the Fountain of the Water of Lifefreely : And then adds, in the very next Words, He that overcomethJhall inherit all Things. As tho' behaving well in the chriftian Race and Warfare, were the Condition of the Promife. So in the next Chapter, in the i¢th, and i5th Verfes, Chrift lays, Blefedare they that do his Commandments, that they may have Right to the Tree of Life, and enter in thro' the Gates, into the City : And then declares in the i5th Verfe, how they that are ofa wickedPraaiceJhall be excluded ; and yet in the two Verfes next following, does with very great Solemnity, give forth an Invitation to all to come and take of the Water of Life freely ; I am the Root and the Offpring of Da- vid, the bright and Morning-Star : And the Spirit and the Bride fay, Come, and let him that heareth fay, Come, and let him thai is Athirfl, Come, and whofoever will, let him come and take of the Water of Life freely. So Chap. 3. 20, 2 t. Behold I /land at the Door and knock: If any Man hear my Voice, and open the Door, I will come in to him, and fup with him, and he with me : But then it is added in the next Words, To him that overcometh, will Igrant tofit with me on myThrone. And in that great Invitation of Chrift, Matth. I I, latter End, Come unto me, all ye that Labour and are heavyLaden, and Iwill give youRe/t ; Chrift adds in the next Words, Take my Yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I ammeek and lowly of Heart, andye 'hallfind Ref/ unto your Souls : For my Yoke is eafy, and my Burden is light : As tho' taking theBurden ofChriff'sService,and imitating hisExample,were neceffary in order to the promis'd Reft. So in that great Invitation to Sinners Z 2 to