Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART III. Of gracious "ge1ions. 343 Schemes there are about Methods and Steps of Experience ; it would greatly tend to prevent Profeffors neglecting Strianefs of Life, and to promote their Engagednefs and Earneftnefs in their chriftian Walk ; and it would become fafhionable for Men to Phew theirChrif- tianity, more by an amiable" diftingui,fhed.Behaviour, than by an a- bundant and excefiive declaring their Experiences ; and we fhould get into the Way of appearing lively in Religion, more by being lively in the Service of God and our Generation, than by the Livelinefsaa Forwardnefs of our Tongues, and making a Bufinefs of proclaiming on the Haute Tops, with our Mouths, the holy -and eminentA6ìs and Exercifes of our own Hearts ; andChriftians that are intimateFriends, would talk together of their Experiences and Comforts, in a Manner better becoming chriffian Humility and Modefty, and more to each others Profit ; theirTongues not running before, but rather going be- hind their Hands and Feet, after the prudent Example of the bleffed Apoftle, 2 Cor. 12. 6 ; and many Occafions of fpiritual Pride would be cut off ; and to a great Door Phut againft the Devil ; and a great many of the main Rumbling Blocks againft experimental and power- ful Religion would be removed ; and Religion would be declared and manifefted in fuch aWay,that inftead of hardeningSpe6tators, and exceedingly promoting Infidelity andAtheifm, would above allThings tend to convince Men that there is a Reality in Religion, and greatly awaken them, and win them, by convincing their Confciences of the Importance and Excellency of Religion. Thus the Light of Profef fors would fo feline before Men, that others Peeing their good Works, would glory their Father which is in Heaven. THE E J. C D