eAaAa.aaAA?aaAaA-AAaA? ERRORS io be correRe. pAge 5. Line 9. for rigorous, read vigorous. 1.22 blot out voluntarily. p. 9. laft 1. but one, f. never, r. ever. p. 17. 1. 5. fr. Bottom, r. Difpenfations. p. 18. 1. 13, 14. r. Exercife. p. 21. 1. 6. fr. B. f. the Work of God, r. the Things of the Word of God. p. 31. 1. i o fr. B. r. fuperlative. p. 35. 1. 22. r. Things that are. p. 36. 1. 6. fr.B. r. as are fometimes. p. 42. 1. 20. r. Goliath. p. 44. 1. 22. 1. many, r. may. p.47. laft 1. but one, r. Page. p. 48. 1. 22. r. cried jefus up. p. 57. I. 17. r. who really. p. 58. 1. 7. r. Terrors.. p. 65. 1. 26. r. glorify God. p. 68. 1. i 1. r. contrivedordering. laft 1. f. but, r. not. p. 75. 1. 3. r. feeing the Son. p. 78.1. r 3. f. exercife, r. excite. p. 85.1. 6. fr. B. r. i.luthor. p. 86. 1. 16. r. being. p. 94. 1. 10. r. 2eflament.1. 30. r. hertues. p.ioo. 1. i 1. fr. B. r. Difpofttion. 1. 3. fr. B. f. gave, r. gives. 1. 2. fr. B. f. was, r. is. p. 106.1. 8. fr. B. r. capable of. p. 116. 1. 8. fr. B. r. you may. p. 119. 1. 9. fr. B. r. previous Knowledge. p. 121. 1. 22. r. the Elea. p. 123. 1. I I. fr. B. r. Benefit. p. 137. 1. 7. fr. B. f. indeed, r. in. p. 140. 1. 4, 5. f. in the true Saint, r. in theLove of the trueSaint. p. 146. 1. 12. f. they, r. I. p. 148. 1. 9. fr. B. r. ufed concerning God in Siture. p. 151. 1. 1, 2. r. and That is their Holinefs. p. 153. r. Complacence. p. 156. 1. 17. blot out and. p. 160. 1. i. r. Nature. p. 170. 1. 25. r. fpiritual. p. 198. 1. 19. r. llfcenfion. 1. 22. blot out of. p. 199. 1. 12. fr. B. r. exercifing. p. 204. 1. 21. r. confounded. p. 217. 1. II. fr. B. blot out O. p. 220. 1. 30. blot out That. p. 238.1. H. f. as, r. is. p. 239. 1. 13. r. laid down. p. 240. 1. 18, 59. r. judged. p. 243. 1. 15. f. and, r. of. p. 245. 1. 8. fr. B. blot out he. p. 247. 1. 5. r. wrapped. p. 255. 1. i 1. r. they are commonly. p. 304. laft 1. but one, r. EPI' 2 . p. 308. 1. 12 and 19. r. praa°tiftng. p. 312. 1. 23. r. Pratlifers. p. 317. 1. 1. r. Prat7ice. p. 334. 1. 9. fr. B. r. effectual. The Errors in the Pointing are very many : I fhall only note two or three that do efpecially break the Senfe. p. 85.1. 9. fr. B. at the Word them, the Paragraph is ended ; whereas there fhould have been only a Comma. p. 92. I. 8. after the Word Sin, is a full Period, where fhould have been only a Comma. So p. 241.1. 7. after theWordCbriji is a full Stop inftead of aComma. EWWWWNWNWUVWUUW