Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

t9 C C7 C7 C9 C'l C7 a9 Q9 OJ C7 P7 P9 V' C'J C9 El U'. C9 r{ T°i1G1%, 1L°SG{CI°{C G5FQ F©, °o,. oaia ca ca ca ca ca ca cy . ro. v. c. c;. n. c. r9. 0. {otj lcloicto . 1co1aQ} }xctic? 1ca1c .A TABLE of the Contents of the foregoing Treatife. A. AFFECTIONS,what they are, Page 4-6. Religion confifts much in them I -4, 7 -24. This appears from their Nature 7, 8. From their being very much the SpringofMcn'9Aaions 8, 9. FromFaét andExperience 9,10. From the holy Scriptures to-t3. FromReligion'sbeingfummarily com- prehended in Love 13 -15. From In- stances of the molt eminent Saints in Scripta,e 15 --r8. From the Example of Chrift 18, 19. From the Religion ofHeaven 19-21. From the Defign of Ordinances zI, 22. From theNa- ture of Hardnefs of Heart 22 -24 Affetlions religious, very high fome Times from Impreflions on the Ima- gination 57, I o6, I 1 0, III, I 1 2,145, 177. Such Means to be defired as tend to excite them 27. We have Reafon to be afhamed that we have no more of them 27-29. Prejudices againft them 24-26. How in the Saints in Heaven 19, Lam- Falfe, their pernicious Tendency 25, 26, 178 'Tis no Sign that religious -Affet7i- ens are gracious or otherwife, that they are great 31, &C. That they have great bodily Effeas 34, &c. That they caufe Perfons to abound in reli- gious Talk 38, &có That Perfons did not make 'em themfelves 4o, &c. That they come with Texts of Scrip- ture 44, &c. That there is an Ap- pearance of Love in them 47, &c. Thattheycome in a certain Order 5 z &c. That they difpofe Perfons to a- bound in Duties of Worfhip 63, &c. That they difpofe Perfons to abound §§ in external Praife 65, &c. That they make Perfons exceeding confident 67 &c. That they beget great Charity in others 79, &c. Aft-et/ions gracious, arife from afpi- ritual Influence 9z, &c. Are found- ed in the excellent Nature of divine Things as they are in themfelves 134 &c. Primarily founded in the moral Excellencyof divine Things 147, &c. Arife from fpiritual Underftanding t 58, &c. From afpiritual Conviction of the Judgment 182, &c. Attended with evangelical Humiliation 199, &C. Attended with a Change of Nature 226, &c. Attended with the Lamb - like Dove-like Temper of Chrift z 3o &c. Effect a Chriftian-Tendwfs of Spirit 242, &c. In a beautifuT'Sym metry and Proportion 249, &c. At- tended with fpiritualAppetites&Long- ings 261, &c. Have their Exercife and Fruit inChriftian Practice z68 &c. Affet7ions of Hypocrites, all from Self-Love 146. Difproportionate and monftrous 249, &c. Unftable 256 2 58. Flowmolt beforeCompany z 58 --26t. Why fometimesfo high 57, 145. Leave Men dead 230 Appetites, fee Longings. Application particular, of Promifes, what is, and what is not fpiritual I18, 119 .Afttrance, is, ordinarily attainable 67-69. A true one not enjoyed in corrupt Frames 73, 74, 77-79. 89 -91. Can't be maintain'd only on old Experiences 77, 78. Not defer- able in ill Frames 78, 79, 86: How to be obtain'd 90, 91. Goes not be- fore a Faith of Dependànce I 15,116 A.