of the CON E. EARNEST of the Spirit, what it is 130, 131 Earnefdnefs in Religion neceffary to Salvation 271, 272 Enthufiafm, wherein it confifts in allitsVarietiesofOperation 176-181 Error may be the Occafion of a gracious Exercife 86 Evidence of the Truth of the Gofpel, internal, what 187-196. External, its Ufe 195. That which is the Ground of a faving Belief is more than a meer Probability 193 -195. And is as it were intuitive 188-192 And is chiefly internal 187-196 Excellency of divine Things as in themfelves, the firft Ground of gra- cious Affe6lions 139-146 Exercifes of Grace, immanent and praétical 306-309 Experience Chriftian, not properly diftinguifhed from Praaice 332-335 How the belt Evidence of a good Eftate, ibia'. Experimental Religion,fpiritualPrac- tice moilproperly fo called 334, 335 Extremes, how the Devil drives to them 25 F. IITH, is never without fpiritual Light and Sight 74 -76. And Sig1t, how they differ 74. Is not a believing our State to be good 76,77 . Is not a believing the Promifes are made to us in particular 115. Falfe, makes Chrift theMinifter of Sin 243 4Fear of God, the Temper of true Chriftians 246-248. Attends a true Chriftian Hope 248-250 Fear Servile, and Love, one decays as the other prevails 78, 79, 132, 133 Feelings inward 40-44 Feeling others talk of their Expe- riences, no certain Sign of their Grace 82, 83 Firff Work, many Hypocrites live upon it and indulge their Sloth z64 °z67 TENTS. Forgiving Spirit, the Spirit of all true Chriftians 238, 239 Fortitude Chriftian, the Nature of it 235-238 Frames, living upon them 75 Fruit, is that by which chiefly we mull judge of others 83 -85. See Praélice. G. tj GO OD, See moral Grace, counterfeit, its great Re- femblance of true 81, 8z. Saving, differs from common in Nature and Kind 98, 99. In what Refpcas it does fo Ioz. 103. True, the Nature of it to think it felf comparatively fmall z 1 1-2 18. Lefs than Corrup- tion in the belt 213. How an abiding Principle of Nature 22.8, 229 Graces all have their Counterfeits. 1.7-52. 81 -84 Gratitude, fometimes meerly from natural Principles 137-140. Gra- cious, how it differs from common 140-142 H. HARDNESS of Heart, Irreligi- on confifts much in it 22 -24. An Effect of falle AffeFtions 242, &c. Holinefs, the immediate Obje& of a fpiritual Senfe and Appetite 152, 153. The primaryobjeétive Ground of gracious Affections 147-158. The Beauty of all intelligent Beings 149, 150. The Beauty of all natu- ral,Perfedions r 50. The Beauty of all divine Things 150,15 I. Of God, in Scripture comprehends all his mo- ral Perfe&ions 148-150 Hope true, affaulted by Satan 7 1,72 Difcovers Corruption 72. Increafes Conviction of Sin 71, 248. Has greater Influence to make the Con- fcience tender than Fear of Hell 245 Attended with godly Fear z5o. Pre- vails and decays with Love 78, 79 Hope of Hypocrites,not affaulted by Satan 71, 72. Hides the Corruption of the Heart, and puts an End to Convictions 71, 72. Not lhaken by their