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if TABLE their Wickednefs 73, 74. Emboldens them in Sin z4z-z45. Often from Impulfes 72, 73 Humiliation legal, ufually precedes the firft Comfort 53 -56. Its Na- ture, and how it differs from Evan- gelical 199. There are Counterfeits of it 58, S9. Why Perfons under this Work feldom know it in the Time of it 220, 221 Humiliation Evangelical (fee Hu- mility) what it is, and how it differs from legal 199, zoo. Attends all gracious Affections 199-.226. The moll difficult Part of Self-denial 202, 203. Hypocrites, make great Pre- tences to it, but make an awkward -Skew of it 204, 205 Humility, (fee Humiliation) The Notes of it 208-226. Difpofes Per- fbns to think their Grace fmall 207 -z 18. Efpecially difpofes Perfons to think their Humility fmall z 18- 2zz. A humble Behaviour defcribed 221 -zz6. Hypocrites, their great Refemblance of true Saints 49-52. 58-63. 81 -85. Often very forward and po- fitive in determining others State 84. Of two Sorts, by fome called legal and evangelical 72. Why they talk much about themfelves and their Experiences 145, 146. Their Reli- gion difproportionate and monftrous, 249, &c. Their Inftability 256-258 Deficient as to fecret Religion z58- 261. Their Earneflnefs in feeking Chrift an Grace - abates after their fuppofed Converfion 264-267 IMAGINATION, what it is 104, 105. By this only Satan has Accefs to the Soul 178-181 Impreons on the Imagination, what they are 104, 105. They are no- thing fpiritual 104-108. Not above the Power of Satan 109, lit). Often miftaken for fpiritual Difcoveries and why 105, 106. Sometimes attend fpiritual Experiences Ito. Often eaufegreatAffotions 110-- 11z,145, 177. Caufe Counterfeit Conviaions of Sin 56-58.* Affections founded on them not gracious 1 to-112, 159 N r6o. There is nothing of the ature of fpiritual Light in them 159, 16o. All Kinds of Enthufiafm confift in them 176-179. By thefe mainly the Devil confounds happy Revivals of Religion 178. What Perfwafion of the Truth may arife from them Impulfs, orfeeming Revelations, no fpiritualEffeéîs 120-122, 169-171 Often feem to reveal Things that Perfons are molt fondly defirous of 72, 73. The Ground of the Hope of many Hypocrites 7z, 73, 115-- 118. 123-134. Occafion high and tumultuous Affections 117, 122, 133, 145, 177. They that follow them, though coming with Texts of Scrip- ture, add to the Word of God 1 rq, 120. With Texts of Scripture, no more fpiritual than others 122, 171. Affections founded on them not gra- cious 122 Indwelling of the Spirit 95 -97 Joy of the Hypocrite, in Himfelf and how 143-146. Without Re- verence z5o. Without mourning for Sin 250-252 Ay ofa Saint, not primarily foun- ded in an Apprehenfion of God's Love to him 143. Attended with godly Fear 250. Attended with godly Sorrow 250-252 Judging pofitively of others State, the heft of Men infuficient for it 8o &c. 342 Juflification by Faith alone, what Ufe of Works is, and what is not in_ confiftentwith it 337-341 K. KNOWLEDGE,fee Underflanding. Knops and Flowers in the Gol- den Candleftick 285, z86 L. LAMB-like Dovelike Spiritattends gracious Affections 230-234 Law, aWork of it precedes Com- fort 52 -56 Leading