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.o That are no Signs PART. II. IV., 'Tis no Sign that Affeaions are gracious, or that they are otherwife, that Perlbns did not make 'em themfelves, or excite 'em of their own Contrivance, and by their own Strength. There are many in thefe Days, that condemn all Affeaions which are excited in a Way that theSubjeccts of 'em can give noAccount of, as not feeming to be the Fruit of any of their own Endeavours,or the natural Confequence of the Faculties and Principles of human Na- ture, in fuch Circumstances, and under fuck Means ; but to be from the Influence of fome extrinfick and fupernatural Power upon their Minds. How greatly has the Doctrine of the inward Experience or fenfible Perceiving of the immediate Power and Operation of the Spirit of God, been reproach'd and ridicul'd by many of late. They fay the Manner of the Spirit of God, is to co- operate in a fluent, fe- cret and undifcernableWay, with the Ufe of Means, and our own Endeavours ; fo that there is no diftinguifhing by Senfe, between the Influences of the Spirit of God, and the natural Operations of the Faculties of our own Minds. And it is true,that for any to expect to receive the favingInfluences of the Spirit ofGod,while they negle6t a diligent Improvement of the ap- pointedlVleansofGrace,is unreafonablePrefurnption. And to expe that the Spirit of God will favingly operate upon their Minds, without the Spirits making Ufe of Means, as fubfervient to the Effea, is en- thufiaftical. 'Tis allo undoubtedly true, that the Spirit of God is very various in the Manner and Circumftances of his Operations, and that fometimes he operates in a Way more fecret and gradual, and from fnlaller Beglpningss than at others. '{ complain of Wants and Weakneflès ; pray think what a bra- "' ken - hearted Chriliian I am. " Parab. of the ten Virgins, Part I. Page 179, a So. And holy Mr. Flavel lays thus, " O Reader, if thy Heart L6 were right with God, and thou didit not cheat thy felf with ee a vain Profe, ion, thou would'ft have frequent Bufinefs with God,: which thou would'ft be loth thy deareft Friend, or the e Wife óf thy Bofom fhould be privy to. Non e/l Religio, ubi 'c amnia patent. Religion doth not ly open to all, to the Eyes " of Men. Obferved Duties maintain our Credit'; but fecret ee Duties maintain our Life. It was the Sayingof an Heathen, Ge about his fecret Correfpondency with his Friend, What need " the World be acquainted with it ? Thou and I are Theatre enough- to each other. There are enclofed Pleafures in Reli- . " gion, which none but renewed fpjritual Souls do feelingly underftand. " .Tavel'$ Touch-tone Qf Sincerity, Chap. Ii. Sea. 2, But