Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

6o What are no Signs PART IL externalAppearance ; but he can; exaaly,imitate- theirOrder. When Counterfeits are made, there is no divine Power needful in order to the placing one of them firfl, and another laic. And therefore no Order or Method of Operations and Experiences, is any certain Sign of theirDivinity. That only is to be trufed to, as a certain Evidence of Grace, which Satan cannot do, and which it is impoii'ible fhould be brought to pats by any Power fhort of divine. Thirdly, We have no certain Rule to determine how far God's own. Spirit may go in thofe Operations and Convidl:ions which in themfelves are not fpiritual and faving, and yet the Perfon that is the Subje6t of them, never be converted, but fall Abort ofSalvation at laff. There is no neceffary Conne&ion in the Nature of Things, between any Thing that a natural Man may experience, while in a State of Nature, and the laving Grace of God's Spirit. And if there be no Conne6tion in the Nature of Things, then there can be no known. and certain Connedtion at all, unlefs it be by divine Revelation. But there is n6 revealed certain .Conne&ion between a State of Salvation, and any Thing that a natural Man can be the Subjedt of, before be believes in Chrift. God has revealed no certain Conne6tion-between Salvation, and any Qualifications in Men, but only Grace and its Fruits. And therefore we don't find any legal Convictions, or Corn- forts following thofe legal Convidtions, in any certain Method or Or- der, ever once mention'd in the Scripture,'as certain Signs of Grace, or Things peculiar to the Saints ; altho' we do find gracious -Opera- tions and Eifedhs themfelves, fo mention'd, Thoufands of Times. Which fhould be enough with Chriftians, who are willing to-have the Word of God, rather than their own Philofophy, and Experiences, and Conjedtures, as their fufficient and fure Guide in Things of this Nature. Fourthly, Experience does greatly confirm, that Perfons £eeming to haveConvidtions &Comforts following one another in filch aMethodand Order,as is frequently'obfervable in trueConverts,is no certainSign of Grace J-. I appeal to all thofe M.inifters" in this Land, who have had much Occafion of dealing with Souls, in the late extra.ordiiiarySeafon, whether there han't been many who don't prove well, that have given Mr. Stoddard, who had much. Experience of Things of this Na- ture, long ago obferved, that converted and unconverted Men can't be certainly diftinguifhed by the Account they give of their Experience : The fame Relation of Experiences being common to both. And that many Perfons have given afair Account ofa Work pfConverfion, that have carried well in the Eye of the Worldfor fe- veral Years,but have not proved well at lall. Appeal.to theLearn- ed, p. 75, and 76.