Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART II. to dyli7ìguifh 4ffè /ions. 63 in their Notions of a clear Work of Converfion ; calling that a clear Work, where the fucceflive Steps of Influence, and Method of Ex- perience is clear : Whereas that indeed is the cleareft Work, (not where the Order of doing is cleareft, but) where the fpiritual and divine Nature of the Work done, and Effe61 wrought, is molt clear. IX. 'Tis no certainSign that the religious Affcaions which Perfons have are fuch as have in them the Nature of trueReligion, or that they have not, that they difpofe Perfons to fpend much Time in Religion, and to be zealoufly engaged in the external duties of Worfhip. This has, very unreafonably, of late been looked upon as an Argu- ment againft the religious AffeCtions which fume have had, that they fpend fo much Time in reading, praying, finging, hearing Sermons, and the like. 'Tis plain from the Scripture that it is the Tendency of true Grace to caufe Perfons very much to delight in fuel] religious Exercifes. True Grace had this Effcee on Anna the Prophetefs ; Luke 1. 37. She departed not from the Temple ; but ferved God with Faj irgs and Prayers, Night and Day. And Grace had this Effea upon the primitive Chriftians in jerufalem ; A6ts 2. 46, 47. And they continu- ing daily, with one Accord in the Temple, and breaking Breadfrom Houfe to Houfe, did eat their Meat with Gladnefs, and Singlenefi of Heart, praifing God. Grace made Daniel delight in the Duty of Prayer, and folemnly to attend it three Times a Day : As it alto did David ; Pfal. 55. 17. Evening, Morning andat Noon will I pray. Grace makes the Saints delight in finging Praifes to God: Pfal. 135. 3. Sing Praifes unto his Name, for it is pleafant. And 147. 1. Praife ye the Lord,for it is good to _ling Praifes unto our God, for it is pleafant, and Praife is comely. It alto caufes them to delight to hear the Word of God cc when ; but afterwards it fees and feels that Life ; fo that he " were as bad as a Beaft, that fhould deny an immortal Soul; " fo here ". Parable of the ten Virgins, Part II. p. 17r. cc If the Man do not know the Time of his Converfion, or cc firft clofìng with Chrift ; The Minifter may not draw any cc peremptory Conclufion from thence, that he is not godly ". Stoddard's Guide to Chriff, p. 83. cc Do not think there is no CompunStion, or Senfe of Sin, 'c wrought in the Soul, becaufe you cannot fo clearly difcern cc and feel it ; nor the Time of the Working, and firft Begin- " ping of it. I have known many that have come with their cc Complaints, that they were never humbled, they never felt it (c fo ; yet there it bath been, and many Times they have Peen tc it, by the other Spectacles, and blefs'd God for it " . She- pard's found Believer, p. 38. The late Imprefli,on inBo/lort. preached;