PART II. to dijiinguifh Afeiions. 6y extol David's unmerited and unexampled Kindnefs to him, i Sam. 25. r 6, - -- r 9. and 26. 2r. And from no higher Principle, than that from whence Nebuchadnezzar was affe&ed with God's Difpenfations, that he faw and was the Subjea of, and praifcs, extols and honours the King of heaven ; and both he, and Darius, in their high AWeai- ons, call upon all Nations to praife God. Dan. 3. 28, 29, 30. and 4.. 1, 2, 3, 34, 35, 37. and 6. 25, 26, 27. XI. 'Tis no Sign thatAffeaions are right, or that they are wrong, that they make Perfons that have them, exceeding confident that what they experience is divine, and that they are in a good Eflate. It is an Argument with fome, againftPerfons, that they are deluded if they pretend to be afTured of their good Eftate, and to be carry'd beyond all Doubting of the Favour of God ; fuppefing that there is no fuch Thing to be expelled in the Church of God, as a full and ab- iolute Affurance of Hope ; unlefs it be in fome very extraordinary Circumftances ; as in the Cafe of Martyrdom : Contrary to the Doarine of Proteftants, which has been maintained by their moll ce- lebrated Writers againft the Papifts; and contrary to the plaineffScrip- ture Evidence. It is manifeft that it was a common Thing for the Saints that we have a Hiftory, or particular Account of in Scripture, to be affured. God in the plaineft and molt pofitiveManner, revealed and teftified his fpecial Favour to Noah, .elbraham, Ifac, ; facoh, Mo- les, Daniel, and others. `fob often (peaks of hisSincerity and Upright- ness with the greatest imaginable Confidence and Affurance, often calling God to witnefs to it ; and lays plainly, I know that myRedeemer liveth, and that IJballfee himfor myfell, and not another, Job z 9. 25. &c. David, throughout the Book of Pfalms, almost every where fpeaks without anyHefitancy, and in the molt pofitive Manner of God as his God ; glorying in him as his Portion andHeritage, his Rock and Confidence, his Shield, Salvation, and high Tower, and the like. Hezekiab appeals to God, as one that knew that he had walked before him in Truth and with a perfeaHeart, 2 Kings 20. 3. Jefus Chrift, in his dying Difcourfe with his eleven Difciples, in the i4th, i5th and z 6th Chapters of john, (which was as it were Chrift's laft Will - and Testament to his Disciples, and to his whole Church) often declares his fpecial and everlafting Love to them, in the plaineft and molt po- fitive Terms ; and promises them a future Participation with him in his Glory, in the molt abfolute Manner ; and tells them at the fame Time, that he does fo, to the End, that theirJoy might befall ; John T 5. r z . The fe Things have I fpoken unto you, that my Icy might remain in you, and thatyour Yoy might befull. See allo at the Conclufion of his whole Difcourfe, Chap. z 6. 33. Thefe Things have Ifpoken unto you, that in me ye ;night have Peace. In the Worldye 'hall `Iribulation . but be ofgood Cheer, I have overcome the World. Chrift was not afraid F 2 of