PART TI. to dinguif{ 4vfec`icns. 69 For God's Promifes and Oaths, let them be as fure as they will, can't give firong Hope and Comfort to any particular Perfon, any further than he can know that thofe Promifes are made to him. And in vain is Provifion made in Jefus Chrift, that Believers might be perfea as pertaining to the Confcience, as is fignified, Heb. 9. 9. if Affurance of Freedom from the Guilt of Sin is not attainable. It further appears thatAffurance is not only attainable in tome very extraordinaryCafes, that all Chrittians are directed to give allDiligence to make their Calling and Eleaion Pure, and are told how they may do it, 2 Pet. r. 5, - --8. And 'tis fpoken of as a Thing very unbe- coming of Chrittians, and an Argument of fomething very blameable in them, not to know whether Chrift be in them or no ; 2 Cor. 13.5. Know ye not your own felves, how that ; 7efus Chrifl is in you, except ye be Reprobates ? And 'tis implied that it is an Argument of a very blame- able Negligence in Chrittians, if they yraaice Chriftianity after fuch a Manner as to remain uncertain of the Reward, in that i Cor. 9. 26. I thereforefo run, as not uncertainly. And to add no more, it is mani- feft, that Chriftians knowing their Interefts in the laying Benefits of Chriftianity is a Thing ordinarily attainable, becaufe the Apoftles tell us by what Means Chriflians (and not only ilpoflles and Martyrs) were won't to know this ; r Cor. 2. 12. Now we have received, not theSpi- rit of the World, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the Things that are freely given to us of God. And r John 2. 3. And here- by do we know that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. And Verf 5. Hereby know we that we are in him. Chap. 3. 14. We know that we are paidfrom Death to Life,becaufe we love the Brethren. Verte 19. Hereby we know that we are of the Truth, and(hall a fureourHearts before him. Verte 24. Hereby we know that he abideth in us, by theSpi- rit that he hath given us. So Chap. 4. 13. and Chap. 5. 2. and Verfe I9. Therefore it muff needs be very unreafonable to determine, that Perfons are Hypocrites, and theirAffeaions wrong, becaufe they feem to be out of Doubt of their own Salvation, and the Affc&ions they are :he Subjeds offeem to banifh all Fears of Hell. On the other Hand, it is no fufficient Reafon to determine thatMen are Saints, and their Affe Lions gracious, becaufe the AWedions they have are attended with an exceeding Confidence that their State is good, and theirAffe`tions divine ±. Nothing can be certainly argued F 3 from f " O Profefhor, look carefully to yourFoundation : Be not high- minded, but fear. You have it may be, done and fuffer'd " many Things in and for Religion ; you have excellent Gifts " and fweet Comforts ; awarm Zeal for God, and high eon- " fidence