04 The Worlds Lofs, and the godlinefs. Mercy is that grace that honcureth God molt, and God honoureth it molt. All the high Elogies that are given to piety in the Scripture, are fpecially dated on mercy: Godhonourech it with large and ample promifes, Ble¡fed are the merciful, for they !ball obtain mercy; It huh no the loft beatitude Cet to it, as Bajt"1 ofSeuleucia well obferveth. God honoureth is likewiCe with an approbati- on, When I was hungry yefed me, when I was thirfly yegaveme drink: And with a publike approbation ac the Tall day, in the prefence of Angels and M:n, it ismar- cy that God then magnifieth, Come ye blrffed, when i mat hungry ye fed me,&c, God honoureth it likewiCe with an excellent memorial, he always men;ioncth it with honour; fee it in Corneliru,(ce it in Job,fee it in other Saints, theywere noted for mercifulnefs in the Scripture ; here in this place the Cpirit of God, becaufe the righteous man (hall not go without an Epitaph,he makes on this righteous roan a me- morial. Merciful men arc taken away. That is the fecond reafon, that they might underhand how far Godhonourech the worksofCharity and Mercy. Thirdly, that the Prophet might inftru&t them, and us now ; who are to-be re- puted, and accounted true righteous men, Thofe that God accountethfo. And thole are merciful men, Thefe two,righteaufnefs and mercy, they meet in God, fo they muffin everyChriliian. They are the two ways of Cod ( faith David) all his waysare mercy and righteoufnefs. They are the two ways that Chriit cakes in the world: The firft way,at his firft coming,a comingof mercy; to call men to Mercy ; the fecond at his fecond coming, a coming of judgment, co judge the quick and the dead. So they are two ways of God, fo faith Saint Bernard ; they are the two feet of God, by which he walked) through the world : Gcd vifrtcth men upon one of thefe two feet; éither in Mercy, or P,ighteoufnefs e As they are the feet upon which God walketh to us ; fo they mutt be the two feet that we walk on towardsGod : Righteaufneís, that is one, by which we tread the way of the fir(t table in works of piety to God e And Mercy is the other, by which we tread 'the way of the fecund table, in mercy towards men. So that as the two tables kifs each ocher, they are infolded one in another ; the love we owe to our Brethren, is hangs and depends on our love to God e the love that we (hew to 'God, is to be :e(lified byour love to our Brethren e So there two are to embrace one another, we hurt not fern them that God ferveth not : According to this, others will judge if is that we are truly righteous, according to this fcantling we cake of our felves. 7cceice not your felves if their be not works of Charity and Mercy, fatter not ,cur felves with an opinion of Rigbteoufeseft; it is an empty Name where Mercy s. not. So the ApoRle makes the Argument, He that loveth nor hie Brother Iob.4.ao. whom he bathfeen, How canhe love God whom he bath norfeen? So likewiCe here,, is it penile that there fhould be Rigbteoufnefs toward Ged, when there is not Mercy toward men ? It is the firft of thofe pious Infiruetions, that I will commend to this place. O. (tentation of Rigbteoufnefs, there is a great deal in the world, men delire to be accounted godly men, becaufe they can be referved to themfelves. They can get Pretences of Piety, and zealous they will teem to be for the Works of the firft Ta- ble. Did God giveonly one Table ? No : but we (hall be tried by the works of thy fecond Table; When .1 was hungry ye fed me not, when I was thirfiy yegave me NO drink. Why dowe makeboaft of piety to God, that men cannot judge of ? Foç there is one littlegain of Hypocrifie that fpoileeh all. We mayalt mercy to men but we cannot alt piety : Piety will thew it felf here ; Here is the touch-none td give proof of the Piety in our hearts, if it bud out in.2tercy: The righteous man is merciful in every kind. Where there is Piety, there will not be Reviling, and, Difgracing, and Qtarreling, and Contention a It is impartible that Piety in the Heart fhoufd be contentious, that pure and untainted Liquor fhould pats through a filthy Kennel i If there be grace in the heart, is will (hew it felt in thehand; in the Lip, in the Words, in the Adtions, in all. It is but a touch that I give you, i know you eafily guefs where I am. I come not to put you in mind of what yoit know r or rather to put you in mind. I amnot confcious to your counts, bail