Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

righteous Mansgain. i o S A, ui the tuft coo. That mercr(ui men are taken array, experiencecnewech daily : they are taker. 'fo frequently, that there is hardly any left : they are no only taken array; but (wept away. And if there were noocher proof, this repr fentalion, this fad ipe&aele before our eyes, that is an argument co make the proo if theconforrr.i.y of the firfl part of the text with us. In he text there is mention made of a righteous man of a merciful man. Th. it of God bringeth in all the parts by pairs. I51sfulfilled in the folemniiy,an< .ca(on of this day : by pairs God callethus to piety, by pairs he giveth a fperóla efts of mortality. I thought 1 had come todo the duty for one; to perform the foiemnìty of on Funeral : but after, I perceived .I was called to do the office for two. It was not f= crom the beginning, it falleth not out fo every day. Here is the tine proof tha there are the times of mortality í fee the pairs any way, and we (hall fee that then is one free, tiOne ban lecdrè himfelf from the firoke cf death. pate, a vertuou ancient Gentlewomàn i the other a grave learned minifter, but of younger condi. tion : here are both ages cook away and both prefented : not only fo, but ber are both conditions of lifer and both prefented together; and here arc both foxes and both prefented together; to teach us, that no fox, no condition, no age car: fecurethemfelves. I will Make the Shepheard (faith Chrill, foretelling theDifci. pies whit thould befal them.) Here is the fmiting of the Shepheard , and the (heel- coo : But both together, and I believe thisptace cannot fend fuch another'pair. For the one, He was the molt eminent for his place ; For the other fhcwas thç mofl eminent for her piety.' I was not acquainted with the converfationof either, and therefore I (hall not (peak much : and the information I had, it was notmuch, for it was needlefs : I may fave a labour forboth for ifI fpeak any thing falfe, yc are able to refute me ; ifI fpeak-any thing true ( as all muff be true that is fpokeu . here) yetye are able to prevent me,and I can faynothing that ye knownor. For the one ; I hear that hehad the report ofa mail that was conkiónablein chi difcharge of his place. And all that I ¡hall fay( ofhim fhail be only this; there is caute that ye fhould take to heart his death. For what is the reafon that in this little Parish that is as healthful as another. ( But God is wonderful in his wages, and we mull not fearch into the judgementsof God ) that it is not frill eight years, but there have three fumeeded, that have been commended to this place, and have diet one after another ? Is it fo that ye kill them with unkindnefs? the world faith foI cell ye.' I knownot, but this I am fire of, that there have been too many unkinc paffages : where the fault is, your felves know. But this is to be taken into conk lideration, d at God. removeth them from ye, as ifye were worthyof none.. If God fend is hhefe helps and Lapps that walle themfelves to shine to us, 'and tot break and difpence to us the F read öf,life, shall wenot give them' incouragenoent in their ftudies, that they may go on quietly and peaceably ? A word is enough for that. Howfoever fome of ye wouldñot fuffer him to roil, God bath takenhim to his refl. There is more might be laid, but I will not fay too much. For the other, lance I came from my houfe, I had information at my fir( fool. ing in the Parish, they laid she was asgood a woman as lived. Ac my fill footing in the houfé, they Paid sheaves a very good Woman. Thofe that have lived in the 'Parish, they eeftifie, that she was a woman moil eminent for her pietyand vertue. Shall shewars a memorial? I asked of thofe that have known her ofold, they fay, she was a righteous woman,for the righteoufnefsof piety,and a merciful woman for the righteoufnefs of mercy. Shehad refpe& to both cables, to her duty to God, to her Neighbour. For the mercy of charity, she' was good to the poor: she was a lender tá thofe that were in neceffity, and a giver too. For the mercy 'of piety she was very compallonate to thofe that, were in affli&ions, she fympathized, with them, vifted them and comforted them. For themercy of peace, in time'of con- tention, she laboured to recall (trait,, shehad a loft anfwer to pacifie wrath. She was amercifulwomar,, and God hath given her the reward,hath took her to his refl. She was a love lover of peace, he bath takenher to theplaceof peace.. She was one that fludied happinefs, and he hath taken her to a place of happinefs. He bath P took