Thehappinefsofthofe that die well. t t 5 relief ( the greater is the (name of fome men) when they are dead. She bath therefore given five hundred pounds topurchafe lands, and with is land tomain- tain, partly two Schollars in the Univerfity, from their firth coming thitter, till they be Matters of Art. And then with the refidue to maintain four Wido ws, that have been the Wives of honestpreaching Minifters. Zacheur, his offer was, bet half of his goods. Lord, halfofmy goods (give to thepoor. For oughtI can perceive and underftand, above half of her eftate the bath given to charitable ufes. I fay no more ofher. Theft works ofberwill praife her in thegates. She died in the Country. And I am lorry that I had not information (as I did defier) ofher behaviour in her ficknefs. I have it not : I can fay nothing ofit: but thusmach. It was not poflible, that Inch a creature, that lived thus (as we know the did) in obedience to God , in repentance, in faith, with invocation ofGods mercy, in Charity, in`Peace, but that her death was bleffed. She that lived in the Lord, no questionbut filedied in theLord, and the is beffed; for Bleffedare the dead, that die in the Lord. GoodLord teach us tonumber our dayes, that wemay apply our hearts to wifdome; and grant that as we grow in years, we may grow in knowledge of thy truth, in obedience to thy will, in faith in thy promifes, in love toward thee, and toward our neighbours for thy fake, thatwhen we come to the endofour dayes, we maycome to the endof our hope, the falvation of our fouls, through Jefus Chrift : to whom with thee oh Father, and thee ohholy Spirit, three Perlons, but one true and im- mortal, and only wife God, be given, both from us, and all thy creatures in heaven and in earth, continual praife, honour, glory, dominion andpower, now and for evermore. Let all thofe that hear the word of God depart from iniquity. Now the Godof Peace, that brought again from the deadour Lord Jefuu, the great Shepbeard of the fheep, through the blood of the everlafiing Covenant, makeyouperfefi to do his will, working inyou that which ispleating inhis light, through ;cliff Chriff; Amen, T H E