Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

fiow to dive.',tó lod. .y Io tnu we Autwcr, vv ;.uu eonndcr, our 1CIVCS two wayes, i w. Fir(i in subordination co God. GAdoublecon- de:at on of Secondly, In competition withhim, or oppoficion againll him. Confider a mans felf in kibordination co God,: fo a manmay feek Haifa, that our tdves. ¡is he may leek his own good though not as the uctermoP end wherein his rowaman Y a r may tcekhim- thoughts ref+, yet he hash this encouragement. Self-lave is a plant of Gods own felf. !pia/It/mg in the heart of mane and he will not have any man root out that that h Self-love law- hath planted:- Grace drierb not up the fountain of natare : Ic doth but turn the ful flecam into a new channel , it fuides is the right way. When a man is renewed by grace, and fanébified, he is the fame man in his faculties, he Both his a&ioos oetter then-he did before ; and all that he did before, he doch them ma better end. Ic is impoßïble tha:the will of man [hoúld incline toany thing, but as heconceiveth it good , and good for me: now there is no man can conceive a thing as good for him, but he mull conceive it as good and fumble co him, bitable to his welfare and condition. The lawof God forbiddeth not this, but eflabli(}.ech it, and commendeth ic , if irhe rightlyordered. Thaa (halt love the Lord thy God, with all thyfosol, and with all thy flrecgrh, that to the chief : roewa hi-lancing thou (halt not hare'' thy (elf, thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thy felf : lubordinate to the love of a mans felf ti sill be the Irve of ho neighbour ; and fubordinate to his love of God, muff be the love of,himfelf, Thoumayeff love thy felf, but in a degree inferiour toGod, Thoumuff love thy fin , and leek thy good in God, and not in thy Pelf : therefore it is that God in the Scripture hach fet promifes and thxeatningsone oppo- fre to the other. Now it islawfal for a man to be drawn to obedicnce,or driven from fin byany argument that God ufeth in his word. When Godthreatneth punifhment, fhall notMen he awakened? the Lion roareth, and the Beals of the For& tremble. WhenGod promifeth, here;isthe adi of Faith to receive this promife, and to bc- lieveft Herein yefooa Chri/f the author and ßnifher of our faith , is fet as a pattern for tu, hefet before him thejoy. It is lawful for a- Chriflian herein to imitate Chrifl ; 1 [peak thisfor their fakes, to allure them by encouragements from the Word ; that howfoever the avoiding offin by threatnings is an adhion of Pelf-love, without the love ofGod, yet theft two may Fand together in a due fubordinacion one to anc- then, a mans love to himfelf, and love to God ; to love Godmore then himfelf, and tofeek all good in God, and in the way-leading to him. Secondly, Take man as he Pundeth in comic. cation, and oppofite to God, in matter cf will a nd defire. Ín this cafe a man muff not love and leek himfelf, but God. When a man leeks good to himfelf in a way difpleafing to God, herein he mull not leek himfelf; Focht muff liveto God, and not to himself; whenhisthoughts, and delires, and affedlions, are carried fee himfelf principally this is againl the rule, this is not the Fate of à Chriflian, of a Believer, thus to teek himfelf in any ehirgcontrary to God, or in any thing above h m. Taus yotrhave the opening of it. And it fhall appear to bea truth by there rea. fom. Fora MinroBye to biyöfelf, that is, to do the a&ions of life with refped to him- Theobferva- [elf, not to otl'r, r, and co God. It is, tit,' proved by Phil di 'honour to God. Regan. Sec- ndiy injurious toChrift. Thf dly danwroos and hurtful to a mans felf. Firll, (I fay) is isdithonourabie to God. It isthegreatefl difhonour the crea- Rear r, ere can do to the Crtator,-,to exalt himfelf, to make hincifelfhis end in the ads- It isdiúto-.. ons he doth. It is to make a mans fella God, and tomake God an Idol, For eoutablçt° what is chat incommunicable glory that Godwill not give to another, but this, to God. mare lürnfelfhis end ? It is a glory proper only to God. He made all thingsfor b:mfelf, Peon. 16. 4, Mark húw theft two agree well together, and that that is the efficient caufe, fhould be the final cache too; that as God. is -the Maker, to, he fhould be theend ofall things; and as that that giveth Beeingto thecreature it isout of it fel,, fo likewife that that fhould, quicken and aEt thecreature fbouldbe out of it