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t 28 The C Ohms (enter, or &c. edrfie with. All that a man hash, God path Liven hint for this end, that God may e gionfied by it t Herein t myFather glori/td, that youbring fourth much fraie. Let your light fa thine before men,that tkey may fee yourgoedworks, and glorifityour Father which is in Heaven. Men have much benefit by the graces of the Spirit in o- thers, when theyare inproved as they ought, they are as lights amongft men in the world. Grace when it is opened ( like the Box of Oyntment ) raifeth-a delire in o- thers after ir. Grace exercifed and communicated to others, it Iheweth the amiable- nefs of it. Chriflians Ihould therefore do it, that they may make Chriflianity lovely ; that they maymake the profelfion of Religlon amiable to the world, that is by com- munic Ling the graces of God to others. This every man lhould do,in his place, in his perron, take all advantages this way. Andas is is good for others,fo it is good for a mansfelf todo thus,a man increafeth his own (tore. Liberality (we fay) le the60husbandry. There isno promife in the Scripture for hoarding up, there are many to diftribute. I fay it is the bell husbandry in theworld, efpecially in Spiritual things: It is as the oyl, Increafed in the pouring out ; Like the Loaves, the more they were broken, the more they multiplied flih. We fee the hand aourifheth itfelf byadminiftringFood to the mouth. Soa Chrifti_ an, not only execcifeth, but increafeth grace inhimfelf by communicating grace to e- thers, And what I fay for fpiritual, I fay foroutward things. If a man have wealth, or honour, or any of thefe outward things, and an opportunity, he fhould imploy their for others,that it may appear that he doch not live to himfelf. He that layeth up riches only for himfelf,andhis Family, liveth to himfelf. He that followeth his calling only for himfelf, and his Family, liveth to himfelf, He doth that which a man out of Chrift would do; but a man that would Ion toGod, he muff glorifie God with his eflate. To do good, and to diflribute, forget not, for with frith facrifsces God i, leafed, Heb. 13. ,Charge them that are rich in theworld, that theybe not high- minded,but ready todi/robuteto the neeeffttles of the Saints, r Tim.3. It is a charge laid upon all, to glorifieGod with their elates; with their Authority as they are Ma- gifiraces ; asyob faith, I was a Foot to the Lame,anEye to the Blind, a Father to the Farberlefs, a Husband to the Widow. He did all things for thegood of others. All men are Ambaffadours fens fromGod, for thegood of the bodies, and fouls ofothers. Am laNeighbour, it is for the good of the bodyand foul ofeveryone that converfech with me, according to the manifold gifts beftowed upon me: And i live no further to God,' then I do extend, and communicate all my particular gifts to thegood of others both forfoul and body. Thus youhave the point opened, and preffed, concerning living to our felves, as a mark ofchofe that areChrifls, that they do not live to themfelves. I befeech you ( brethren,) let this be the advantage of Funeral Sermons, that are preached upon the occafion of the death of ourdeceafed Brethren, to teach us how to live. Let every man hereafter refolve to lead a profitable and fruitful life ; to doall the good hecan while he liveth, that for much good done tomany, thanksmay 6egiven by many on bia behalf. f THE,