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i 44 Security furprifed , or, Ofthe times andPalen., brethren (latch the Apoftie) ye,b.ve no need that a writs Nnto you, verfe i. As ifhe fhould fay , this is no needful, noneceffary thing for you to inquire into , or for me to tell you : rather let us fall upon chofe things that are neceffary and ufeful ; for neither you nor I can tell the particular timewhen that (hall be : yet know this, thatvery fuddenly fuch a cime (hall came, and that whén the world leaf} thinks of ir.' The fuddennefs whereof, he fetteth dòwn by a twofold comparifon. Fitt}, By the coming of a thief in the night ; Tour (elver knówperfeë fy, ihat the day of the Lordfo cometh, ae a thiefinthenight, verfe 2. Secondly, By the travail that cometh upon aornan with child t ivben theyfhallf fay, peace, andfafety, then [widendefiratilion cometh upon them, as travail ripoua a+oman with child, and theyfhall not efcape. This latter, is that I have made choice ofat this time for my Text. The meaning A little forthe explanationof the words s ofthewords. When they (hall fay, peace, and fafety. theApoflle intendeth not to condemn , r. what is either the [peaking of peace to the children of peace : or their rejoycing in that meant by peace they have. But that which hecondemnerh, is,that they cry peace to them- ¡ peaçe. (elves , whomGod dcnounccth.war again( : Men that goo s in a coutfe offinning, and in fecurity , and yet will perfwade themfclves that all [hall bewell with them in the end ; chefe are the men upon whomDeath than come thus fuddenly , and upon whom ti e judgment day (hall come thus unexpected. When they fhallfay peace, andfafety; that is, when they are living in their fins, walking on in,their rebellionsagaink} God, and (hall yes be flattering themfelves, that it (hall be well with them netvvith(}anciing this , then [hall Judgment come upon them, then fidden defirufiien cornett-4 -. z. What by do By defiruElionhere, he meaneth not the defiraétiou of the body or the foul, the firuítion. defiruítion of their beeing. Far the Soul even..ufter the death of the body (hall have a beeing: and the body silo fhall be rellored again to its beeingand parts, in the refurredhion from the dead. - It were happy fo Wicked and ungodly men,'if there fhould be fuch a defirufüon of their beeing, as that they fh .nid ceafe to bee any more : for then this body , theanembers whereof have been the. fervants. of fin,-(hould not be tormented in Hell; and then this foul of theirs, that hash let all the body on work in the fervice cf fin, it fhould not be fenfibleof that anguish char shall caufegnafhing if teeth. I: werewell (tray) for them if there should be fuch a degri d-Hon: it is that which if tuty_mighthave their deliire, they.woald.wishabove-all things in the world. But k will not be fuch a defireoElion, itshall be worfe. with them. It shall onely be the de. fruition of theirjoy and comfort, cfalltheir contentments,ofallthofe things vahere- in they folaced, and flattered themfelves upon earth : all theftthings shall be de- Uroyed. Their riches that fed their lulls shall be deflroyed : and their company that in. coward them in fin, shall be del-Hayed; and all things wherein they have delighted hcmfelves here upon earth, shall be deflroyrd; the whole earth fhatlhe burnt with 1 fire before them. And befide this, that faine chearfulnefsof f(ir is, and that freedif. pcfiacn, whereby they encouraged themfclves in the ways of their pride, or whatfo- ver elfe it was, that made them feem fome body on earth; all thissháll ceafe and fail them, and fórfakc then. There shall be no witch, no wifdorn, no courage,no friends, no wealth, no honfes, no apparel, nothing ro pride and delight themfclves in, there shall bean utter drfirattion of all theft things. Then (hall defiruEtion come upon them. Themanner .4tpain upon a woman with child. This sheweth the manner, the kind oftheir of deftrußion drfruItien that fhall ceme upon them. I: shall be firfl, a (sadden elefiruttion : it shall `r. Sudden not give themwarning., either of the time or place t as it falleth out with awoman with child, her travel marcome upon her in the forcer, at the table, when she is talk- ina, c. Soshall defirittion comefuddenlyspan them, they shall have no more warn - ing then theft gene,al warnings, that they have in the preaching ofthe Word. a Painful. Secondly, le shall be a painful defiruftion, full of mifcry and borrow, as travail on ,a woman with child. And