Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

i66 Chrifinn.f llidory , or, - tfo that it Ihallnever be more remembred , but mortality (hall be (wallowedup of life. I, Chrif+hath done this for himfelf (perhaps) but what is thistoss? zCor.1si57. Nay, Chrift hath done it, not only for his own viefory, but he bath given us vi= ffary: he is not onlya Conqueror, but he hash madeus Conqucrmsr thanks be onto God that hathgiven etc vittory. In a word, Chrif+ bath, andWill do by . Deatb,as he doth by our fins; hehath fub- dued them already, at the Taft he will utterly drftroy them : fin and Death hod) of them are already fubdued, at Taft they (hall be abolifhed and deftroyed, that they (hall be no more. As there (hall be no more farrow and pain, fo there (hall be no Key.7.17. tuuore death and (in ; All tears fhall be wiped from our eyes ; I will ranfome them Hot, 3.14. from thepower of the grave, and redeem themfrom death. More then this ; This yet addeth to our comfort, Chrif+will fo deflroy Death, as he will not only fubdue him for us, but allo reconcile him to us ; not oncly foil him asan Enemy, but propitiate, and make him our friend. We have all oar Enemies lubdued to us, but form are fo fubdued. that they are reconciled; Death is one of them, it is a reconciled , as well as a fubdued Enemy. Inftead of bringing forth children for bondage, it becomech a purchaferof our freedom; it is fo far from pluck- Inglis fromChli11,asrather it letteth es into Chrif+; fo far from being a lots, as it bringeth gain; fo far from being a dammalte, that it it part Of our DSwry : therefore the Apo(+le reckoneth it as a prerogative, as he faith, that the World, and lice, and rCori r.la. ChrJIi, oars, foD:athisours. Indeed if Deathwere notours, life were not ours; for our enely way to life now is by Death. Such a friend is this Enemy become, that it is a Bridge to pafs to heavcn,the Chariot thatweare took optoHeaven in. What weget of life toward life, we lofe in death; but what we get in death toward life, we never lofe. Now for the Application and conclufion of all. Something I have to fay by way of comfort, andfomething by way of counfel. Pie t, Fir(}, by way of comfort ; Againf+ the fear of Death, oragainfk over-much for- row for thole that nth takes away. Deathas Ene- 1 r is true, Death ìs an Enemy. But to whom? only to the wicked that are out my only to the of Casrill, to titule il-as hare no benefit at ll by his Death and Refurreéiion, and nicked. Aîcca,tîcr. When Death cometh and findeth out theft-, they may as Ahab did co r Hing.u.zo. Eliah, and more rmy a great deal, Haft thanfound me, oh mine Enemy. It is the w'eali Enemy they have in the World. Ir is a cruel Serjeanr, that catchech themby the throat, and arre(+ech them for a debt that theyare never able to pay; It draggs et em co the Goal, cal+eth them into the Dungeon , to the chains of Darknefs. I have not a word of comfort to fay to them. They have no more comfort in Death then :Ivy have in Hell,where though they (hall lie in torments and pain, they (hall not have a drop of water to cool their tongue. Death to the But to thefaithful inChrili, there is comfort upon comfort. For thoughDeath Believeris be an Enemy, yet remember, Firft it isa fubdued Enemy. Secondly, a reconciledEnemy. Thirdly, and tartly, an Enemy that one day (hall not be at all. r. A lubdued It isa fubdued Enemy,thac is one comfort. Tie ftrength and fling of it is gone. Enemy. When a Bee bath loft his fling and is a Droan, is can hurt no more. So Death is a Droan to a Chriflian , it hums and buzzed), it doth no hurt, it cannot fling, the fling is gone. Againftall thofe Enemies that I Formerly told ye of, that are attendants on Death, . here is comfort. Firfe it is true : Death cometh with ill Harbingers, it bringeth fickneffes, and aches and pain, but tht re is comfort againft this. For when God fendeth pain , remember he promifeth to fend patience too: that he will put his hand under to Cants.(. help, His left hand(hall be under ere, and his right hand over us, to catch us: he Pfa1.41.3. hath promifed comfort upon our 6ek-beds , to make oar bed in our ficknefl. We need not make fuch anAllegory as Ambrafe Both; this Tweet fle(h of ours, the Bed ofour foul, it is under infirmitiesand weaknelfcs: God hcipeth us, he makes our bede