Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

AIM T 7 8 `thegreat Trthunal or; Finally, becaufe we our féives shall be revealed, and manifeftc 1, afl.our wayesii and works; the godly, and the works thatthey have done, thoughnever fo fccr ct ; the wicked, and their works, the fecret fins thatthey havecommitted. That istnei fecond thing in the manner of the Judgment. Firff, that all shall bç fummoncd ;l fecondly, upon the Summons, all shall he made to appear. J 3. The fepara Thirdly, the Separation that shall be made at that time for.when all are tort,{ non. t regated, by and by, all shall be fevered and fc arated ; a fe arationand-divi1 >> } $ b Y Y, P P fion 1, shall be made amongft them; ,fome shall be let atthe right handof the fudge,, fomg1 at the left hand : tflt a fhepheeerdfearcheth hi's f ock, in the day when be is among his Jheep that are feattered, fo 1 willfearch out my fheep at that day, and /,pall divede between cartel and cartel, between the Jheep,andthe goats. The Jheep and the Goats here they flock, feed, and fold together, theywill do fo, they mutt do fo. The Tares here mull be let alone, and grow with the corn, till the dayof harvelt, but yet afterward there shall be a divifion and a feparateen : the wicked,and the godly live together here, but at the laft the wicked shall be leparated fromahe godly, like the chafffrom the wheat ; as when two travel one way, they pats together, an,i l lodgetogethcr,but the nextmorning they parr,and take feveral wayes fothewick_ I e'd and the godly, after they have been here a time, eating and drinking, convcr -1 flog and living, and perhaps ,dying, and rotting in the graves together, norwitii-', {lauding when this day; that 1 here (peak of shallcome, then there shall be a[pa-. ration and divifion made, then the Jheep fhatl be fee on the right hand ; then you shall know which is yatobs flock, and which is L absens: which belong to Chrilt, andwhich belong to Sathan, then die cbaffshall be winnowed from the wheat, and +. weshall fee which_isfor the Barn, and which is for the fire. Goon, you wicked fill,feem the fame you are not,.delude the eyesof the world;', that you have the fame heart that you appear ; you have Masksand Vizards now,6 the time wilt come your paint shall be washedoff, your fig-leaves shall be flipped, and your nakednefs shall be feen, andall mantfeft at that dayof God ; there shall be a Jeparation of the good from the bad, as the fb'epbeardfeparatetb 45 Jheepfrom t iii the goats. 4. Vietryal. Fourthly., with this feparation , there shall be a tryal the Scripture fpeaks of:1 after the converting and feparation, there shall be a tryal. I fan, (faithSaint john,'!; Rev, ao.is. Revel. zo. is.) the dead, [mallandgreatftandbeforeGod, andthe books were opened, andanother bookwas opened, which ee thcbook of life, and thedeadwere judged out of thole things, which werewritten in thole books, according to their works. .Mark, thereare feveralbooks, and fo as thereare feveral books, thereare feveral l judgements, fome are tryed by one book, fome by another. The books Firft, there are fome books, by which the works of men are tried ; the book of dear ,hail be Nature, the hook of Scripture, the book ofConfcience. They that never. ,hcard , opened at she of. Chrilt shall be judged by the book of Nature; there is enough in the hook o of iude- f went. Nature to leave all unçxadable. They that live in the Church, shall be tried, and, judged by the bookof the Scripture : Of the Law, They that havefinned sender the, Lawry frail be judged by the Law Of theGofpe!, God(hall judge the[cress ofall heartsaccording tomy Gofpel. Bothof them shallbe judged according to the book, Iof Con rcicnce ; for God will lay that book fo clear andopen, that they shall fee !what they havedone'again{t that Book. Lord, what amany offinshave we cora- 'mitted. here, that we never remember and think of, when they are done. Our ;memory and confcience now is a Book clafpedup, we fee not a thoufand things that-ere regiftred there ; but when God flaall lay open that Book, and inlarge our memories, and inlighteu. our conferences, then men (hall clearly fee what they had forgot before: they.fhall promptly diEtatethe whole courfeofour lives, and ac, quaint us with everyattion that hath paf us, and every circumftance, to accufe, and excufe. This is the kind of the tryal, bywhich the worksofmen [hall be tryed. s. The sen- Lay, with the Summons there.fisall be an appearance, andwith that afepara fence. there, and a tryal, after all there are done, then cometh the fentence, then the den , tencefhall bepronounced uponthe one, andupon theother: the oneSentence full of Ì fweeruefs and comfort, every word droppeth as a honey combe ; (oneye blef/'ed I of