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TheVe/ireo f theFaithful. i 87 'upon the point) if (I fay ) they be not advanced thus high.: the conjugal knot was never tied between Chrift and the fool.: it is impofiìble therefore that filch a! one lhould have to plead the benefits that flow' from a Conjugal union : neither!, can he have title or right to ány thing that iffueth from a marriage with Chilli, .whofefoul did l t equivocate; and would nevccfpeak out theworda, and who re-' veranfwcred the interrogations ofa goodConfcience (as SaintPeter lbcaks in ano- ther cafe) that when the foul (in the contra&):,thould fay, that the takes him for to love, and honour, and obey him , and to make hum her Lord and Saviour ; if the foul do not yield to this, which it cannot do, if it donot elteem him the i cil of all others, and that all others are to be throttnawaÿ, and to be forfaken in ceu,- parifon ofhim. This is the third circumftance I have noted hence, which I fuppofe ' is intimated in thcfe words : Though 't have not faid it is cxpreft here, yet it is fr, carried with Inch a fulnefa ( thedeire of our fáin is to thee, and to the remembrance ofihyname ) as if it were to Godonly; òtat leaft, to him principally. list 1 nwfl haften. In the fourth place. It mull be univérfal Iove, and fo a aniverfal obedience 4. they :u (which is the fruit of it) which muff juftibe the truth of our.affcdiions towards I be i nivcttal. God, and fct the heart in arightframc and temper. Except a man love.God, p,td love all the wayes of God, an& all the ordinances of.God, and yield, himfeif in fubjeition, and rcfign himfelf in obedience to them alb: if he dobutreferee, and make choyce ofany one fis, to lie and wallow, and tumble in, he cloth evacuate all the other good, he throweth down all the other good with that one evil. Will you come and plead with God, that there is bite one fin that you have defiled and polluted your foul with, and wallowed and tumbled in all your life, and f hope, God will never refute me, or bar Inc out ofhis prefence, and fellowlhipandcom- munion with him for that ? Yes, you are as filthy, all over as _filthy and defiled, and abominable, and odious to his eye, and to every other fenfe, alwel leapone,. of if youhadbcen in ten thoufand flowghes one after another. And as the Philo- fophyrfpeaks, a Cup, or fame fuch thing, that bath a hole iii it, is no Cup, it will hold nothing, and therefore cannot perform the ufc of a cup, though it have but one hole in it: fo if the heart have but one hole in it; if it retain the devil but inone thing: as weufeto fay ; in law, oneman inpoffeflion; keeps poffdli.. on, and a man can never have true polfeffion, till he have voided all : fo, except all berooted out and extirpated, and a man cometh to yield a full and abfolute fubjeEtion to Chrift univcrfally, Chr`ïfl bath no part or portion in us, nor we -in him. Laffly, ( there were divers other particulars, that I thought to have added in s, they mull this ; but I fee 1 muff pats them over) It is not every affe&ion, that may fcem.to bé conllant. havefome height and univcrf lity, though I do acknowledg -that they will in fouie meafure charafterife out the truth, but yet there muff be this addition ; as it was with the feed that was call into the good ground, it haddepth of earth ; fo this mutt have depth in the heart,, it muff be well rooted, and failned for perpetuity; it mull be a confiant affection, grounded and efiablifaed in the heart. The Ayre Simile, (you know) is light,and yet wecall it not a lightfomebody,becaufe it is lighted by the pretenceofanother, and when that light body is removed it is dark, ydu may fay it is dark,for the Ayre is dark in the night, when theSun is abfeot, as it is light when the Sun is prcfcat ; thofe who call light tome bodies, whole light is origina- ted, and rooted in themf Eves. So it is in this cafe; fuch .arenot godly perfons that may have force inje&ions of godly thoughts, and godly affeftions call into them, and be in them for a fpurt, and for a brunt,and for a'little fiath (likeafiath of lightning in the Ayre) and gone away again prefently ;. but it mull be rooted and grounded in a.man, fo as that it will continue, continue fogs that the exercifc of graces and duties toward God lhould bcfrequent andquotidian;. as it is herein the Text ; The de/rre of our flint is to thee, . in the evening, andour Ipirit (hall fie( thee catty ¡n 'bemorning: Morningand evening, frequently, daily, to have com- merce and communion with God, to walk with him, to fetour.felves in his pre- fence, and toapprove our (elves to him, tomake it our confiant trade to do fo, 13 bal to