82i fl Trydl of Sweeny, or, tobeGods daycs-finen; to workby the day with him, and withal to be confiant to' hold out for perpetuity. Only time can difcovcr truth ; and truth is the daughter of time to iii.; < God .knoiweth it Wore, but we can never know, but by the holding.out, but by the', perpetuity. l acknowlege there is a great difference between that vvlaichshe Scrip- curecalletlatemporary faith, and that which it called' laving faith : there is (1 (ay.) a great difference : they do not-only differ,àn this that the one holds:th out, midi the other Both not hold out ; , but they differ in their vital principles , by vertue of which one holdcth out, becaufe it hath a more noble nature in it,,,and the other, becaule it is a flighter timbered thing, it doth not hold out ;. becasife she one is a Ï real, andtruc, and fub(fantial beauty ofgrace, the other buta fuperfçial and painted beauty ; fübrantial beauty , that is founded uponmature ,. upon our complexion,' whether it rain ór (nine, it will holdout inboth ; bat painted ibeauty, one fears a littlewet will,alter the painting, another, left alittle.hcat(houlddoh. A painted. beauty will not hold, but true will hold. And they that do, love true, love long, as ourProverb faith ; I ans certain it is to here, they whodif once love G ,dtruly, loveGod for ever. . The particular I will difpatch themiff in a word. There be fome fpccial duties, betides there duties. generals, which make the general chars&er of a Chriltian ; 1 (ay, there are tome fpecialduties, that do concern hitüsccording to the fpeeiallity of times. Now there is a double time, and fo a double pofturc.o a Chtiltian,in which ac- cordinglyhe path feveral faitsof graces to put on, and to exetcife.. . There is a double dealingofGod ( which is the.foundation of it ) God dealeth, fometime in a wayof mercy andfavour towardshis fervants ; and Goddealeth fomc- time in a way ofjudgment, and wrath, and difpleafure; and he loth fo, (though. not as an angryJudge, but as a father that is angry) .even with his.own fervants, In times of Now accordingly, as thisgenera( temper,. and frame of fpirit, fhould be at all . mercy. times; fo it (hould thew and dilcover itfelf,inthofe feveraltimcs. In the time when t. Chea:ful- God !towed, favour, then the fervant of God is to ferve God fo much the mote nets. cheerfully, and fo much the more fruitfully ; to run the teayes of Godsçominand- ne2. Fruitful- cfs. Meets, becaufe God inlargeth his way ;. and giveth him free(cope, and more, op-, p'ortunities, and advantages for it : and to improve thofe favours for the advance- ment of his glory that gave thets. . .. In times of But the particular thing that is efpecially expreff here (though that be intimated lodgment. tool andit iskitedas a chara6ter her ofa wicked fpirit, that theywi/l do rw¡c1edly in the land of upriöbtnefs : that is, in the land where God dealeth very gently, and gracioufly, and uprightlyi with them every way, and fquarcly, that they can no way complain ; it is a wicked fpirit that doth fo.) . But that which is fpccially ; meant here (in the teal of thy judgments tol/i we waitfor thee) is, that Gods fervansa will not only, not ¡tart (if theirremper be right) fromGod when he finites upon them ; but they will love himwhen he £rowneth, they will even their ftoop and ki fs the rod, they will then obey him Gods childrenwill acknowledge him to be ;their Father andLord, and fubinit to him, even when hedi angry. Similes Heieisavaftdifferencebetweenthcgodlyandthewicked ,(asI(hallalittletouch byandby.) As the Father fpeaks even to this very purpofe: when fweet oyntment is chafed, it fmclls the more fweet, it delivereth the perfume the mote excellent; hut its a dunghihl, in a filthy place, fprit, and the more you ftit, the More ìt(tinks. :wicked fpirits, whenGod Both but chafe them, ntanifeit the filth and corrupti- .on that is within therm; as a man mayknowmoney ( asbe faith) when h falleth , docn, whether it he filver or brats,. ït will then betray it felf : fohere,. their Ian guage, their leech mill betray them their; anddeclare what they are: The devil thought that ?òb had' been of loch a temper; that he,wouldhave curft God tobra (ace, ifhe would lay his hand Upon him,. and touch him; but it was far other wife, be- ; caule he was ofa better mettal andffamp,thcrefore he ble(%d God inthemiddeft of judgment, as he haddone formerly in the middeftof his mercies. And this is that a Chnftian fhould do labour to be fruitful in thankfulnefs o and chearfulnefs of fpirit, whets God fheweth favour, and giveth any cafe, and mercy to him ; and labour