The 7e /ire.Q f the Faithful. lábúur likewifc -to be faithful and conftant to him; .even when his judgements are abroad. Butthere be divers particulars in that,(r will but meetly mention.them.) There be theft fout things, asfo:many Reps and degrees Of the duty of a Chriftian in the times ofJudgment, whether theybeimpendcnt, or incumbent, whether they be publick,orprivate, that concern the Church; or particular perfons. Firft of alb the duty of a Chriftian in the times ofJudgment ( jibe beöfa right temper ) is Perfcvcrance, to hold out, not to be beaten off fqr a little florid or (hock, but to keep on his pace, to keep on his way. Travellers that go to lei ; meetly to be lick a Little; or in fport, if there arife but a black cloud, they prefently give over, their voyage is at an .end.; they corpe not to venture chocks, and ftorms, and danger ; they conic for pleafttire:.but the Merchant, that is bound upon a voyage, whole trade, and employment of life it is, every cloudand wind, doth not make him to return back again to thoar and to giveover ; but he goeth them.through : fo it is in this eafe,ane that is notindeed and in carncft travelling toward heaven, he will be eafily off.upon a. little form aiding t ifGod do but frown,ifthere be but a wrinkle in his brow : all bis pleafure in religion is gone,for it was lome other things he aymedar, it was,but for pleafure he came in here : but a godly Chriftian who is bound for heaven, whofevoyage is, let for heaven, and his courfe and the bent of his foul lyeth that way, that lik'e. ä Ship with full Sail is catried toward heaven: dlorms will not beat him off, but he will petfevere. . . . , . . Secon Sly, there is a nceeffary ufe ( as there should he perfeverance, fo ) that there thould be a kind ofexcellency and precellency ofall holy duties(w hich I men- tioned hi the 'general béfore) which a man Ihould exercife fo much themore induf trio uflyand painfully inflorins and difficulties.All fweet odours arcrefclhingto the headat an} time, but when there is a ftinking place that is offenfive, men heldthem cloferto them: fo itihouldbewithallthe gracesof Gods Spirit,withall holy duties; they Mouldbepretious tous atall times; but fpecially: in times offtrefs and difñcul- ty : Oh then we fit mild cleavedole to them,thenmultiply in präyers,then multiply, in our holy walkingwith God, .then multiplyexamining diligently ourvvayes, and looking moreftrietlyand narrovvly to our félves; thenvve fhonldreflc,agioreferi- qufly upon our Iives,and then eve fhould excel our felves ; or elicit vvill not éoun- tervail,and be anAntidote againft the evil andhitternefsof the times. . Thirdly, therefhmild be Ihevvcd patience in the time ofafflieeion, in the timeof; GodsJudgment ; vveIhouldnot Matta' againft God, norftruggle, riot be violent 'againft hint ; but humbly and.meekly lay oar (elves down before him. Ìí ie the Lord, let him do what feeineih himgood in hiscje,. . . And Laftly, there Ihould be a proficiency i that the inhabitants of the earth will learnrigbteoafnefs; we tkouldpatientlyvvait upon Godin thewayofhisJudg4j meats, and vvithal vve Ihould be good proficients, then to learn righteoufnefs. Gods rod Mould be to ús asthe fefcue is tothe child, the fefcue points out to the child the letter, makes hinatakenoticeof it: and fo Gods rodpoints out manygood leffons which vve thould never othervvife learn and take notice of. I had me.; knovvn (as Lathers vvife Paid fometitne) vvhat fuch and fuch things meant, in fuch and fuch Plalms, fuch complaints and vvorkings of fpirit ; I hadnever underftoód thepra&ice of our duty, if God had. not broughtme underforce affliftion t affli&i- on vvas aCommentary, and fefene to point out My leffon tó me; and by that Í un- derftood. : Letnie burMention onethingMore inavvetfd, (Ifhall leave the,Applicátion,be- caufe I amprcecnted.)Here,isnove the fumofa Chriftians duty,vvhichI have fçcom- mendedtnyou,outof the vvordsofthe, verles read.; partlygeneralduties that belong toall Chriflaans in all times and partly finne particular dutlel vyhichconcern theta more fpecially in tome fpecial times. I he is amotive nr tvvo.topreis and flit us up to the performance ofchefe duties: .1: here is one in a. verfebefore thole I have read, (the feventh verfe) The mayoft e jail ie aprigbtnefs : thou moil upright deft tpigh the pathofthe jaft. Here thefir t Motiveis fromthe confideration of God. .hod i9 t Pcdrve- rance. Simile, a. Diligent exerafe ofqut graces. Simile. ;..Patience. 4.Proficiency The Motives. to the duties.