Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

o o 1 Tryal of Sincerity, or God leech ín; God is a holy overfcer of all oat wayes.; a fpe6tator of all our carriage and be- haviour, how we do carry our felves, and approve our felves to him: God is not xáyes. onlya fpcftator, and air overfecr Cif our wayes, hut hcisan expencer, a weigher and judgeof our wages ; to toward every man according to his works ; and we Iho.nld often cart our eyes:ro God, and. fee him looking upon us: in our carriages, to put faine more awe upon our fpirits, that we may not wantonly break out a- gainft God, not daring to do evil in the prefcncc.ofthat holy God which one day we know, we mull be brought to account for, at the great judgment. But 1 can but nadie it. z.:.Thia atone There is a fccond Motive in the chafe, in thofe words which fland }aft of thofe differenceth Dead, and a verfe following. Aiad that is.from omen, from theparticular proper,j the m the e godly charadter of a Chriflian : it is that which differenceth a godly man from a wicked( from tricked, man: Herein lies tbcdiffercnce oftheir temper, and of their fpirit : the godly man, he is defcribedalready what his carriage is, that is bis carriage, , which is here him red out in the Prophets own "cupreffion, in their naine; but the wicked inni they are clean otherwifc, they do not perform theft duties ; neither the general, nor the particular. Now it behoveth every one to take care to depart from the tents of thole wicked men ; that Iltall be fwallowcd up, andgo down quick to hell everyone (as it was in the cafeof Korah.) It is the command ofGod that they fliould depart and fever thcmfelves, and make as broad and vat' a difference, and be jealous, and take heed left they aflìniilate thcnfclvcs to wicked inert in their lives, left they be like unto them in their deaths : that 'they live not as they do , left they perilla as am,' do. Now, there 'be two or three things that are cxpreft concerning thefe wicked' men. Firft ofall, their Charaaer is to be refraétory to Cod in what way focver be Thews himfelf to them ; if heihcwhis favour. Or fend his judgments it is all one in the land' of siprightnefo, they nili do wickedly; and when Godo band is lifted sop, they wit! notfee: nothingwill do.them good ; no way of workingupon them, : nei- ther by fair, nor by foul means. And we mutt be unlike them therefore every way; We mtìft take every dealing ofGod byThe right car (as he faid) and make the right ùfeof it for good. There is another thing expreft ofthem; that God will one day meet with theft Wicked men; let no man deceive himfelf; it is not a vainthingto ferve God ; nor'. a cheap, nor a fafc thing to rebel againftGod, for his hand than, be liftedup, and he Will break them in pieces, and the.longer lie fparcth, and the:gentler he is, the moreheavy it will ?omc at laft. Gods Mill grindethflow, but itgrinds to powder (as the ancient laying is) the more God is long-fuffering, and long lifting tip his hánd'to lay his ftrokc, the heavier ftroak he lays upon them, and crutheth all to pieces at laft. But there is another thingtoo; even thole wicked men that are fo ftubbornand j refraaory, and'beorn Gods word ; that lift up the "heel and kick againft him, and it may be fcoffand fear, and deride the ways of God ; time (hall come that even theft wicked tncn than be convinced, they ihall fee their envy againft the godly, and hatred againft the wayes of God, they shall fee their foolery, and they fluff at laft repent, when repentance than do them no good: repent, when they are e- ven turned into hell, when they hear that fentence ; Depart from meyou turfed. Therefore now feeing thefc things will bcfal the rebellious, that donot walk ac- cording to this rule; according to this Canon' which I have charafterifed a godly man by ; this ftiotdd be good encouragement to godly men fo much the more to walk conftantly, and to be true to their own way. And if they do live amongst wickedmen, tobe rather gainers by them, to grow the better ratherthan to receive infe&tion, and corruption from them. They fay that Lihliesand Roles, or fuck like things,ifthey be planted by.Garlick or Orions, or fuck like' unfavoury things, they do.mcreafe in fweetnefs ; the Rofe, and the Ligie are fweeter : fo' it fhould be whengodly men are'planted > arid' hcmmèd