9 a J2ryal of Stnc errty, bk, l any Feflival ornament in fuch a Funeral argument. My language mull be black» and pathetical, futable to our fad oceafion ; it Mull not be pleating to the fancy in the fresh flowers of Rhetorick ; my language ( I fay ) mutt be in black, but in black laid upon a ground of truth, which shall not blush for blame, !peaking any'; thing betides, what I do' really.conceive. As I dare not doyou fo much wrong, is to paint or guild -a rotten puff ; fo I am willing to do her fo much right, as to let aÿ rids Pearl in Gold. To pafs other circumflances , (as that she was delcended of an honefl , and worthy Family,andofgood quality ; that She had a full and hopeful ante delcend- ing fromherfelf, and lisch like circumfrances, which I leave for oratours (as unfit for a Divine) to meddle withal.) All that I shill fay concerning Eler,shall he out ofthéTexr, in which youmay behold a true pfdtureof her in all the lineaments of her ; and out of it,' you maybe able to draw, and take a good pattern for your (elves. The Byas of her fpirit vvas toward God, and toward h.a Name; wlinfc lively Image she bare, graven in her memory , living in her delires , and (beyond all pit ures) movingalfoin her endeavours to leek after God. The very i)uintekence of,her fpirit was carried this way, and that intimately, fincerely, umverfally, and confiantly. ii ith her foul the defred him in the nagst , and wab ter ;farit Jñe foug3c him in the morning : the light of the morning , and the evening fiat ( as lomctime the Star did the Wife men) concluded her to the Sunaf4hieowfnef_ - In mercies she was not wanton, but thankful and fruitful ; In judgements ( as in ai fatherly ,way of corte pion, She had a deep share, wherein being exercised with many years weakncfs, as thole that knew her, knew very well, but ycr in fuck' fatherly dealings) she shewed herpatience, her perfeverance, herprofi'ciency; and; being a Mourner for the ftubbort efs of the wicked, she was a gainer likeivi fe by them too ; and all becaufe she looked up to God, vvho fees and vveighs all our j paths. Inwhich I have briefly recolleftcd upon the matter,. the fum ofthe vvhole! things contained in the text ; fo that fo longas this Text is in the Bible, and fo long as the Bible is inthe Church, and fo long as any thing (thoughunvvorehy) of this Sermon remains in your memories, the cannot want either a fweec memorial of her vertuen in the book ofGod,, or a (lately Monument in-the Church, and its your hearts too. Happily fome ,may fcoffe, and tome maydoubt, as though this commendation' flew too high,, or out of fight. Towhom I !hall briefly anfwer both. For the l former. k is reported of two great Tragedians, learned and famousin theirtime Sophocles, and Euripides ; Euripides prefented upon the Scene all naughty women, and Sophocles prefented all vertuous women ; and the ordinary obfervationof the j wits of the tithes was ( as men are apt to be vainly witted in thele things) they thought that Euripides that prefented -them bad,- prefented women as they were ; and J.oplraclerthatprefented them good,prefented them as they Ihould be. If f had nothingclfe.to fay to the scoffs of any but only this, I luppofe it will be fitfficient ; I do believe fully , that I have prefented her as the was ; but howfoevcr you cats take nobutt ifyou do but confider, that it is fpoken aswhat you Qtouldbe. I am lure, and I know I have prefented what you should be. And for any that fhould doubt yet, that it may feeto too high. I would delire them -orgy to confiderthis: I defcribe in the Text, the very temper and charafter of one-that is truly godly ( loch as I: conceive her to, have been ) and the truth is, ' . there is none that is truly godly, but in forne degree or meafure mull attain , and do attain to participate in &conformity with this Charatler; and therefore I have neither done you (as I conceive). any wrong, andyet done herright too. And (to draw to anend,) She bath left this honour behind-her; that the lived beloved, sod': died defined. , And,whoisthere herealmofl that fufferethnot`alofainher ? HerHusbandbath l loft a loving wife that honoured himhigbly,Her childrenhave loft-a loving Mother, thatloved them tenderly,. that tendered them duly. - Her fervants have loft a loving' Miftrefn, that governed themgently, and was every way beneficial tó them.- Her; Brothers