TheDefireofthe Faithful. i 93 Brothers and Sifters, have loft a lciving Sifter, that anfwered them in their loves (Weedy. Her Neighbours have loft a loving neighbour : full Of cdurtene to the rich, full ofcharity to thepoor. And my felt have loft ( I hope there is none here fo weak to furped, that I blaft the living, to blazon the praifeof thedead, or that Ldo rob or ftrip the living, to cloath the dead with their rpoyles; but think may truly fay, I have loft ) as truly and cordially a loving friend, as any the hath left ; behind : though LefteemMany her Peers, and I cannot complain Ofany. But to end all. Her gain in Chrift cOuntervaiteth and fweeuieth all olitiorres. She was a difciple ofLove, theloved her Lord, and Idvedall his Saintsand fervants: and therefore I doubtnot, that (he was a beloved dirciple,and reneth in the boktme of her Love : where not to difcluiet her happinefs, and detain your patience any longer; I naafi le* her in that bleffed place, and via-intendyou to the bleffing of God: Cc THE