!iMotivé to aholy Converfätio3á. 1 difperfcth and dif.1ppointeth a thotrfand proje&s intended againfr his fervatits. It was fo with his own people lfrael : while they were in the plains, fecurely lying in their tents : there is Balack and Bataa; confuhing tipon the mountains how to curie them ; but the God of Iffracl that is above the mountains, that frttéthoa the higheft Heavens, he ordereth the matter fo, that Balaam for his life, (though he might have had all the ivealth,and honour ofthe Kingdom) could not pronounce one curie againft Ifr,acl, becanfe God had laid to him that he thosfd not curie. Fourthly. As in Citiesand focieticson carth,mcn have communion and (bciety ç.. Tluy have one with another, the lets have intérefr in the greater, and the greater in the lets, tnterzR. and all have intereft one in another : the infenours receive from the fuperiours, prtiteftion, and provifion, and the fuperiours, receive from the inferionrs, fítb- jeétionand iuhmiffìon. So it is in this heavenlyCorporation;in this fpiritual Jeru- falem: 7erufalem is aCity at unity in it fe f ; There is a communion and fellowlhip;' that the Saints have withGod the Father, with Chrift. with the Angels, with the Saints inhcavcn; and one w ithanother on earth. With God the Father i tbeji have an intereft in him, as fubjecehs ofhis kingdom, In God. as fervants and childrenof his family there is not the meancft fubjeft in thiskinb dom, but he may make his requeft known to this Prince : there is not the Icaft fervatit in this Faintly, but he may Make his complaint to this Mafter : they may (as children) go boldly to the tbrene ofgrace,and make their rev:efi known unto him, though it b bid infóhs andgroans.' Hence it is that God takes noticeofthem, your Mar. s ) r. heavenly Father knowetb that you have need of all thefe things ; and therefore he will fupply them : Ifyou that are earthly cangivegood things toyour children, howl Chap. j. r I. much morefnällyour h'easvenlyfather good things to them that askhini. I hey have intereft in Chita alfo t he is their intercefour, therefore hence it is, In Chrift. that he is laid, to ft at theright band ofGod, making intercertonfor Fit : He is their Advocate ; if any man fin , we have an Advocate with the Father , even fills, drill the righreoiu : I-Ie is their Lord and Captain, the Captain of the Lords , 4r. Dan. ta. t. my, to defçtt his Church; , Ckfichael, the great Princeflandetb up for the children of bupeople. Theyhave interns silo in the holy Ghoft,the third Perron in Trinity, they have In rite holy not only, the love ofgod the Father, but the communion and fellowfhip of the holy Ghoft. oft, as the Apoftic wifheth for the Corinthians. Henceit is that the Holy Chofl is ready to help their infirmities, to finable them to put up their requals, when they a Coi. t;. ìo. know not bow topray at theyaught. Hence it is that he fan&ifieth theta, andthere- fore they are raid to be born again 6fwater, and ofthe Ifirit : that hecomfortetf them, thereforebe iscalled the holy Chaff the C(mfórter:, As theSaints haveinicreft in the three Perlons in the Trinity, in refpelt of their dependanceupon them, Io the bleffed Trinity bath an intercft in themallo: IfIbe a Father, where is myhonour? if ¡beaMaffer, where ismyfear ? Becauie they ac- knowledgeGod to be their Father, they honour hitn; beçaufë they acknowledge him tobe their Lord, they fear him, They have intereft inthe Angelsalto: Hence it is that they arecalled,Minitring. to she Angels, if iritsfensforthfor thegoad oftheElea: Theywere Chrifts meffengers,hisAngels, and now they are made Ivfcffengers, 'Angels to the Saints, therefore faith Chrift, Offend not one oftheft little (Met, for I tellyou, that their Angels behold the faceof myfather in heaven. They have intereft in them, not as worfhippers pf Angels, which the Apolrlecondemneth, Col, a. as forefeeing to what aheight Popilh fit petftition would rife in this kind i I lay, nottoworfhipThem; tó vocate them, to prayto them, we know no foll) witLworfhip whïch is without the rule. We have ata Angel comforting Hagar ; we have an Angel defending Elilha ; we have an Angel encouraging Jacob ; we have an Angel carrying Latrarue intoe.4brabams bofomè; Sat wenever had any Angel. that Rood in this place, to have wórlliip and adoration. This indeed the Angelshave from us, imitationof their obedience, we Pray, thywill be done, on earth as it is inhealien. Theyhave interclr in the Saintsalfo ; yea, inthofe thatare dead; noes though In the Saints they prayed for us ; vet they have a common delire of thewelfare of the whole 'h char in t, eaven. arc Church;'