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200 The Expe_atianofGLri/lsCowlrig, or, 1 fir[t in Chrift i thoumuft be united to himtby faith and love : thole are the böndsI whereby the. Spirit of God,tyeth us unto Chrift : therefore Chrift is laid to dad/inI our hearts byfaith. t i "aflimption Which !hews the horrible prefumption ofmany, and how they add to theirò-, I ,o hope for ther fins this,. that they prefume that they have right, and title to heaved, and yet ou' onion rod, are not united to Chrift by faith : as if a man Ihould give out, that he wcretheheìri chop fin or apparant to a "Crown, or the fonof a King, and yet neverthelels thould indeed be catch. the fon of a Beggar,and have nothing to thew for his pretended title to the Crown I andKingdom : 'what would this beaccounted, but high treafon againft theKing? What a height of'tin is this that is inmany meta, which to their other fins add a prefumptuaus claim to hcaven,whenthey haveno right to it? Ezta Z. 6a, I Remeinbcr, that in the timeof E.e;ra, we !hall read of many,ttaat laid titleand claim tathe Prieft-hood : but Ezra fearched the book oldieGencalomes,and find- ingnoneof their namesRegifred there,he prefcntlyconduded that they were none of the Priefthoód, therefore theywere accountedpelluted, and pot from the Prieft- odafany man layclaim to heaven;God will (catch his bookof Genealogies (as it were)4ac will fcarch the Regifter ofheaven, and ifhe find that his name he not in- rolledthcre,if he be notfound to have intereft inJefus Cluift,all will be nothing, he thall becaft out to his greater confofion. Thisshould therefore Ihr up every one to make good hisclaim to heaven now : either now to bepoffelt of heaven, now to fit in havenlyplaceswith Chrift, or elk look not to come toheaven afterward. But to leave this, and to come to that I mainly intend, namely theArgument, or rearm), or ground, of the Apoftles heavenly converfation, Our converfation le in, heaven,from whence we lookfor theSaviour, the Lord fefus Cbrifl. The Apoftle obfetvcthhere a hind of fpeech, and that which Items not fo Gra- matical a that hemay thereupon build a found and fubftantial truth in Divinity. Hehad Paid before,Ourconverfaeionisin the heavens,in the Pluralnumber: but now when he fpeaks of Chrifts coming thence, he fpeaks of it in the Singular number, Our converfation le in the heaven, from whence, from which particular place,' we lookfor the Saviour, theLordJeftee.Chrifh, Of purpofe to 1hew.us thus much: Ci riri in re- that thoughChrift inrcfpeet of hisDeity, and divine nature he be in all places,fhling fpeet of his heaven and earth : yet in refpeft ofhis bodily pretence, he remaineth now, and fo bodily pre- will till his fecond coming (which the Saints look for) in heaven. fence is only, Againft thole Vbiyuitaries, that will have thebody ofChrifttobeeverywhere: in heaven. InHeaven fa they) viable in this place invifible.. ThePapifts hence buildthe Ttenfub(tao (f y Y) ; P nation. Doetrine ofTranfubltantiation: they will have the body of Chrift,evcn that every, body that was bornof the Virgin, to benow Bread, and the bread.turned into it, The Lutherans will have the fameBody about the bread. No, faith, the Apoftle, i there is no fuchmatter: fromthence, from that very place, that very individual,! particular, Bogleplace, from the third heavens, where the body of Chrift is, we lookfor the Saviour : he remaineth there, and fe, will continue till hiscoming to Cell. 3. 1. Judgment. So again inanother place, Co/of. 3. T. Set yourafeúions on things above, where (-brillfitteth at the.right band of Clod; Above, that is in heaven, whereChrafb ' fiueth, and cotttinueth, and will remain till his fecond coming. Our Saviour told his Difciples in the dayes of his flefh, that the poor they Ihould have alwayes with ¡them, but me (faith he) you fhall not have alwayes. .If this be true that they fay, ,then Chrifthath not faid true, for he is Rill in refpeft ofhis bodilyprefence, and been, alwayes, with us. But I let pats that. Ob erv. The thingI note hence is this; That that whichmoll foundly, andeffec`l'uallyfettleth EapeCationof' the,heart of a man, in a. 'heavenly converfation upon earth, it' thelooking for the 1 Chr th cow. Saviour of the world, even theLord 7efua,Chriff to comefrom thence. Mg to ludge-' means the ben I fa there is nothing that' fo fettleth the heart ofaman in a heavenly eenver- I to Y' m n a j lotionupon earth, nothing that makes him foheavenly totaled, nothinathat order--1 holy mover- eth him in fo heavenly a courfe, as this, ifhe rightly look for Chrift to come from I fatìon. thence. '' Tlia[,