Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

Ñlotive tó aboly Converfatiotí. 26 t, Thatyoumay conceive this the better, you May pleafe to takenotice, that there are two things included in this point. Fiat, that all the Saints ofGod, while they are óti earth, their continual expe&a- tion is; for Chrift to comefromheaven. Secondly, that nothing is fo effeftual to fettle a man in a holy courte while he. The continual livethon earth, as thisexpeftation. rzpcftauon of There two things I will open to you at this time. he Saints is The firft (I fay ) is, that the Saintsand lervants ofGod while they are on earth, for Chdtf 'do continually expo& and look for the Saviour Of the world, even the Lord jifaa, CAmìng: Chrtft tocome from heaven. By thecomingofChrift, you muff underhand his fecond comittgto judgement. Athreefold For there is a three-fold coming ofthrift. A two-fold coming in his Body ; and coming of oneby his Spirit. C1icìÍt. Thefirlt, was thecomingofChriftin the fleflì, when he came to takeour nature upon hito, and to be bornof a Virgin. The fccond , is the coming of Chrift.bÿ his Spirit, fo he comeLh continually, and daily in the hearts of men , in the preaching, of the Gofpel in venue and efficacy. ; His Taft coming, and his fecond coming in refpest of his body, is when he fhall come to judgement. Never look for the coming ofC4rrift in his body upon earth¡ in the fight of men, till that great day come, when the Lord fefited/hall come with tboufar:di of hit Ankeh, in ihegloryof his Father. Now then this being the meaning of it : we will prove it. Andfirft, that it is the continual expeftation of all the Saints of God ; and the continual defirel of their hearts, their continual waiting; is for the fecond . Coming of the Lord thrift: . As it was before the firftcoming of Chrift in the flefh; fo it Qtall be before his Pissed, fecond coming. Before the firft coining ofChriff, after the promife was made to Adam; all the expes5ation and hope of the Fathers, and Believers, was this, when the great Mefíias wouldcotnte : and therefore faith Jacob, I have waitedfor thy fai. vation ; and David, Íhave longedfor 'thyfalvation; meaning, Chrift, the Saviour Of the world : and the Church groweth to a kind of holy impatiency ; Òh that thou wouldeff break theheavens andcome.doute. Arid immediately upen the,timeof Chrifts coming, there were alwayes holy men in thole times, that,wereftirred up with a continualexpe&ationof it; and therefore it was made a markofagoodman in thole dayes : le is laid of fafeph ofArimatbea, and Simeon, and ofJivers good women, as ofAnna andothers , that they waitedfor the confölationOf Ifrael; they continually waited and expe&ed; when the great comforter, and Saviour of his people would come. So (hall the fecond conningofChrift he; from the very time of his Afcenfion into heaven, to the time now; and to the time of his Taft comino toJudgement, all the eyes ofmen wilibe towards him: whenJam liftedetp (faith¡ our Saviour) I will draw all men after me ; Which though it be there particularly underhood of his lifting, up upon the Crofs, yet it is intended in general of his A kenlon'into heaven. So that as after the promife was given of the Spirit ; The Difïples waitedfor the 'eceiving of the gift of the holy Ghofl: So it is now, and pill be, fence the holy kanoft is already given, there remaineth nothing to be. poked for, but Chrift himfelfin his fecond coming to finilh all there dayes óf Andthat this isthe dífpofltionof all the fervantsofGod,appears bydivers places of Scripture, z Tim. q. 8. faith the Apoftle there; Henceforth there is !didupfor aT ¡e¡ me a crown Of righteoufnefi; which the Lord, the righteous judge, fhallgive me at that day : and not to one only , bui unto them ago that love his appearing. The Apoftle here makes a defcriptionofall thofe that (Ball be raved, and he faith, they are filch as love the appearing of folds Chrifá t now that which a man loveth o he defircth; and looks, and lóugs for. And in Heb. t. z8. Chroft diedonce for many, Heb. 9. Z t. and unto them that look for him, 'hall he appear the fecond time unto falvation. Salvation is brought t to whom? to all thofe; and only to thofe that lookfor the D .d appearance¡