-'31 'Ibe ExpeC!a ion ofChri/1s Cónmiila, or, ` t, I appéa;ante ofChrift Therefore it is Paid of all the Believers in Heb. is. That They Taw thugs that were invifiible, and that they had an eye to the.recampence ofreward» anl that theyfaw,the promafe afar of. They looked f1í11 for chofe things that were to appear byChrift. This I fuppofe is fùfficiently confirmed by the Scripture, let us therefore'make: force ofe of it. VP. Try now what comfort thou haft inthe ezpc&ation of that gréai appearance of For uyal, the Lordiefns hére1pokenof. This is themolt infallible ground, ancj.tmdoubtcd evidence,-:and tcltimony of the.truth of grace now; and allurance of glory here_. after : if God have now furred up thy heart in faith, and holy aff hog; tolook for ; and io long and wait. for the appearance of jefirs Chrift. Without this there is little love to Chrift. The Church in Cant. r.¢. lhewèth her love to Chrift, Draw me ( faith the ) andwe will run after thee. And chap. z. ¢: , Stay Me with flafgeru; cotirfort me.with apples,. for I am lick ;ofloue : aud,chap. 5.. If.you find him whom my foul loveth, tell him I amlick o f lout. ,lf thouhe ofthe difpofitiod of the Church, thou wilt, "out of lose to Chrift ,deliire nothing. fo much, as to enjoy the prcfence of Chrift ; The Spirit and the Bride, fay come, .and let hens that hearetb, fay corne : the Spiritfaith come, and the Bride ( becaufe file isflirted hp in the fame affection bytheSpirit) fhefaith corvetoo. Chrift faith to his Church, rcome, and the Church (he faith again; Conte Here ,is the agreetnent;between tClirift and his Church; and the fame difpofition is in all the members ofChrift, a 'waiting and longing, and defiring for thc.eomingof Chrift. , . . There are many that prctendthey wait, and defire for ihr coining of Chrift., When a man is tinder any aí liEtion, -orin any trouble, then; Oh thatC'hriffwouldi come,and end thefe troubles. 'Yoit (hall hear a man that isabufed,, and wrongcdby' the opprellions and injuries of others, and by the unrighteous de. brigs of wicked and ungodly men, trying out, Oh that Chrift .mould come and put an end to theft Howto know evil times. Yea, but if thou' haftthis defire ofChrifts coming,thatis in a manof whether our a heavenly couverfatiotii It willappeärinthefe three things. , expectation of Firfb, iì willappearby theGround of it. What are the grounds of thy defire i'. Chrift coming what are the Motives that intoñrage thee, to long for thé" coming of the Lord be Bght. t, By the Jefus ? That which is the ground of fáith, is the g'rotindóf hope : eta: is the ground ofit. promifes : Faith is the groundofthings hopedfor: and the Word and Promife are 'Hub. is. a: the warrant ofFaith : Faith and Hope look both on this, the free promife of God: fo it is faidof e.4brabam, that he believed above hope; becaufehe knew that, he that promifed, wae'able to, do it. There is the firft thing then : Faith is the grottud :, there is none but a true believer,thatcan indeedalight waitfor,and defire the coming ofChrift:. , But this will appearmore in'thc feeond thing, and that is,' by the Companion of this expe&ationofChrifts coming, when it is right,' and as it 1h'otitd be iu the foal of a Believer, a.By the corn. The firft companion ofir, i's Patience: Ifwe hope for that tine fee list, then do we panionsefit. with patience wait for it (faith the Apoltle, 2om.8. as.) If we have hope, and ex. which ate, pc &ationofChrift coming,if it be right,it will flay the heart,and calm andquiet the t. Puxac°' fOiru, in themiddeft ofall injuries and eroffes, andafih&ions in the world itwill make us towait with patience : He that believithWill not Mahe haft. Wh'en a man believeth'that there is a time when Chrift will put an end to all chele things, it is that whichnortifieth and fubdueth the rilingofhis fpirit, and difcontentednefs i c` afffiftions, it makes him pof+'efi hisfoul inPatience. Thereis a kind 6f impatient waitingofmen, in the middeft ofdifcontent and revilings, and evil fpcakings, and' threatningsof others r and then; Oh thatChrift would come. But when Faith works kindly in the foul ofa man;' there is a calm compofednefsofheart;' a fitbmiflion to . God in the prefent tryal ; and yet néVerthelefs á rejoycing; inhotfe of the coming of Chrift, and of thatglory that (hall bd revealed: That istlre firft thing, there is Patience accompanying it. n. Love. The fecond thing that accompanteth ir; is Love.' Noman in truth and aright,' hope for,andwaitfòr theconning ofChrift,btit he thatlovethChriftand his Coining.' . Nb,r