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f1Motive to aholy Cotrverfatrorr. 2(33 Now this Love muft begrounded on our tafle ofGods love : 21(et that we loved him,but that he lovedus fzrfl, (faith theAponie) noman IovethChrift, but first he is lovedof Chrift : no man lovcth God,butfirft he is lovedofGod : and the mite and relish of Gods love inmy foul, works love to God again : as from the heat that gomethfrom the Sun, there is a reflretion that bounded back again to the Sun: foGodslove in us rcflcftslove to Gridagain. This love will appear in the fecret (-Things ofthc heart: All the creaturesgroan ; fö ManlfeCed in yea, we alto h in oar frlvet ( faith the Apoftie) waitingfor the adoption , even (cte long- the .f redemption P a our bodies. There is, I fay, a fccretfghing of heart, and that; not only in the timeof troubleand afllietion ; but inthe time of comfort andpro - fperity, when a man hash abundance of outward things about hiin , yet then, be- caufe his love is let upon Chrift, arid the perfc&ion and end of love, is the fruition of theobjc& loved, therefore there isa lighing, a holy difcontent, as it were, a kindofyearning of the heart toward Chrift : When fhall I come andappear before God? ( faith David ) how long Lord, how lone? ( faith the Church in the Revela- tion.) If a man love Chriff, and his coming only, becaufe it (ball end tholemiferies, and thofetròublcs that areupon him in this life ; this is not fo much love ofChrift; as love of amans fell, ofhis own cafe; and peace, and reft. But the loveofChrift is this, when forthe the injoyingof himfelf, I long for the fruition of himwhom my, foullovetb, and I account nothing amiable in comparifon of Chrift, nothing de-1 ledable, nothing comfortable, nothing Tweet to Chrift : this isitthat puttuth the foul out of tafle, and reliur with any thing, makes it figh, as it were, under the enjoyments ofall the comforts of this life. and long for the appearance ofChrift,1 bccaufc then he (hall beperfef ed in the perfect enjoyment ofChrift himfelf. This is that love of Chrift, that is accompanied with Faithin a Chriftian, and hope, and expeftation ofhis coming. Now then, if thou wait for Chrift in truth, how cometh it, that thou doll not love him ? thou canft net wait for him aright, except thou love Chrift himfelf; and for himfelf. And if thou love Chriff, it will appear, by thy care towalk in Chrift ; to derive Care to' walk virtue from him inall holy aéîions,to derive all heavenly wifdom,all heavenly difpo- inChrift, litionof heartfrom him ; to plcafe Chrift in all thyway es, to do that whereby thou mail} approve thy felf to God in Chrift. This is the difpofitionof a heart loving Chrift,and this is that loving ofChrift for himfelf, and inhimfelf thatgivethme affa-' ranee, that I Iove the appearance ofChrift. That is the fceond companionofthis waiting for Chrifl,ifit be right,there is a love to Chrift. The third and laft companion of a mans waitingfor Chrift, is the continual affe- 3 Delight in &ion ofthe heart, thofcfame ejaculations, that intercourfe, that holy and heavenly cas. °tdinan- communion which thefoul bathwith Chrift here. Firfl in his ordinances, having a holy communion with him in them, waiting at the Foes ofthe door of wifdoms houfe, to hear what Chrift ( who is wrfdom it Pelf) will fpeak to us ; waiting if that he will come now (in the miniflryofhisWord) in his Spirit, whomwe hope to enjoy fully in glory : waiting for him likewife in theSacraments to receive a further confirmation of our fàirh in him; waiting, for him alto in prayer, to re- ceive further confolationand ftrcngth from him. Thus eilanaliit is laid, that She was one That waitedfor the confolatiónof Ifs-at!, and ferved God in theTemple prayer dayandnight. So where there is a waiting for Chrift, therewill be a con- tinual intercourfe of the foul vaith Chrift , a heavenly and holy communion with him in duties. Doft thou wait for Cht:lls coming,and yetrun fromChrifts ordinances ? How can their Rand together ? There is no man that can ever wait with comfortfor Chrifls coming an glory,but he that now waiteth upon Chrift in his ordinances; If thy delight be in holy duties,' in the worship of God, and that in fuch religions performances' thou wait-(} for a further conveyance of the Spirit of Chrift unto theci thou haft warrant to wait for, and to expert with comfort thefecond com- ing ofChrift. Try your felves therefore by their things.- leis not ever), one that faith, /ironic( D d z that