Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

204 The ExpegatioínofCori/ s Corning, or, that the Lard fg1u mould come, or 1 would that thefe dayes were full, andfin.*died. It is not every one that faith thus, that rightly looks for, or &fires the comingof hrift. But he that thereby becotneth. patient, and ftayes, and compolcth his heart in a calm and quiet temper in the middeft of all croflès, and troubles, andi afllétions that befal him, and that upon this ground, becau(c Chrift will come' and put an end to my fin, as well as tonay forrow, therefore I will wait with pati- ence till he come. And again, he that loveth Chrift, that ligheth for his coning; and he that now dclighteth in his ordinances ; this man only waiteth for the com- ing ofChrift. t: By the ef- There is yet a third Tryal, and that is, the effc&s and fruits of our waiting for feels and fruits thecoming of Chrift : And that is threefold (to go no further than the Text.) of it. The firft is, a heavenly converfation. The fecond is, a mansrefling on Chriftas his Saviour andLord. The third is, the change of the body, which !hall be in the great day, when the foul and body (hall be united together, Who /hall change our vile body, and make it fibs hisownglorioue body, &c. But the main fruit whereof we are now prefently `pofleff, is a heavenly Converfation. And fo I come to the fecond particular included in the obfervation before pro- ;pounded, viz. The expeetati. That nothing is fo eff etual to fettle aman, and todifpofe him to a holy and hea- on of Chrifis vent, Converfation here on earth , as the right looking for the fecond coming of' coming the Cbrifh; bell means to procure h a oa xea- That is you (hall fee it briefly, how the SaintsofGod upon this very fetich. tn at t s true, y ar on ground have been wrought, and incouraged to a heavenly converfation in all all partsanddegrees of it. Proved 1.1(1.51 Firfhofall, you (hall fee, that this is that which mortifieth the ferret lufts and the worker of corruptions of the heart. A man will never fet foundly, and in truth, to the Mortification. mortification ofhis inward corruptions,that doth not in truth out of love toChrift look for his fecond coming. And the very reafon whymany are fo dull and dead, ¡. and backward to this work (forwant whereof they cannot lead fo heavenly a ebro verfation, upon earth) is this, becaufe they do not with love to Clsi:iOE look for his fecond coming. And thatthis is fo, it will by divers places ofScripture. Set your affeîlions Col, I/17 ( the Apofile) on things that are above, where Chrift fa}teth at the right hand of God : And he doth not only lay fo, but e.:'lortiie therefore ( faith he) your earthly members. Wherefore fhould they mortifie their earthly members ? be- caufe (brigfatteth at the right hand of God ; upon whom ye look, upon whom the eye ofyour faith infixed : mortifie your members. For what is that that makes a man in truth to difpofe and frame his heart, to be fit to ftand in the number of thofe that are cloathe,d ist white Robes at thefecond coming of Chrift, but even thiscon- fideration that nonefhall appear then with comfort, but fuch as now walk in holi- ; nefs ofconverfation'? Certainly that man that doth with delight expea lais fecond coming, he will be molt careful to fit himfclf for the receiving of Chrift, and moft diligent in fettìng.' himfclf to the mortifying, and fubduingof his corruptions; that fo he may walk before 'bins in allholinefs of life. Aman that experts the coding of a King to his Bode : will he therefore be freute, and dó nothing becaufe heknows certainly that tbe.King will come? No Purely, he will therefore, becaufehe is frire that lic will come, make ready and fumifh his houfe, that it may be fit to receive him when he doth come. Even fo, becaufe I cxpe& the coming of the great King, the King of glory (as he is called in Pfal. 24.) I will now open my everlaftinggates, I wills! now labour that he may poflefs my foul, I will now cleanfe myfelffrom allfilthinefs, andpollution of¡lefh and Ifirit. 3. z,;. Therefore theApoltle Saint John having faid, We are now the Son; of God, and it dotb woe yet appear whatwe /hall be, bat we know, that when hefhatl appear, we