1 I fha!! be likeunto biro : for we 'ballfee him as heir He prclently inferred), Every I . man that bath this hope in htm, purifeth himfelf, even as be ispure. He that bath this hope, that he llrall bewith Chrift, that he/ha llfeehimae he se, .he will becareful topurite him!:lf,as Chrift is pure. This is the difpofitionofaman that truly longs, and rightly looks for the corning of Chrift, he will be careful to purif e himfe/f. A man that expeéls to be railed to force greatand eminent place in theCourt, hewill be careful to fit himfelfwith thofe neceffary requifits that may make him capable of it, and enable him to go throughitwith credit andcomfort. Sohe that expeéls to have this great honourof the Saints, to beofthe number of thofe that receive glo- ry and happinefs, and comfort by thefecond comingof Chrift : he will be careful to purge his heart from all corruption, that it may becapable to receive that coin -, fort. What daunts a man at the apprehenfionofdeath, and makeshim have no delight 'Guilt of fin in thinking of Judgement to come? but the guilt of fecret fins,,with which lie bath caufrh the ap been, and is fo unwilling to part. It is impoffible for any man to look with coin. deathto bel fortupop the approach ofDeath,andto take delight in,anddefirethe fecoud coming tectibl'e. of Chrift,but he who uponthis ground iscareful to purge his heart ofall fecret cor- ruptions and lufts whatfoever. This is then the frrftthing wherein it Bothappear, that the lookingfor the coming of Chrift, is a fpecial means to work us to a holy and heavenly converfation. Secondly, as this is that which mortifleth the fecret lulls, and corruptions of a. Subdues the heart, fo it is that alfo which mortifies our worldly affediuns. For what is it our worldly that will fubdue in the heart, and purge Out of it the loveof the world, and worldly affections. things but this, the looking for, and exped atíonof a better elate to be had in Je litsChrift at his fecond coming? What is it that makes men hold the world fo fait ? What makes theta fo gripple of the earth, and.to cleave fo chofe. to the things of this life ? But becaufe they have no comfortable perfwalon, and expehation of a better &late afterwards. ' Certainly he that on a right . ground , and upongood warrantcan expeél with comfort the fecond comingof Chrift, he careth nothing for the risings of this life. Therefore faith the Apoille; ifyou be rifenwith f'brift, Cola t. r. feel¿, chafe things which are.above, where Chrifl' (teeth at the, right hand of God; becaufe, Chrifffateth at the right band ofGod, therefore let your affeftions there : But how (halt we come to let our affe&ions there ? Set them not (faithhe) upon' the thingsof the earth. It is neceffary that the foul Of a man fhould have fomething or other to fallen upon, force ohied to take tip its delight and joy r and he that cannot have joyand delight inbetter things, in thing's above,he looks for it in things below : and the reafonwhy he fo cicavesto, and clafps, and huggs with delight the. things below; is becaufe he hath no better things to think of, tohope after. He that bath a better inheritance to hope for, will eafrly let fall thefe things, and his affeélion to them, becaufe his hope is in Chrift who shall make him glorious at his fecond coming, You fee then the neccflity of it in this fecond refpeél. But to go further; It is neceffary alto for the avoiding ofany evil, ofany fin in I, Beeps us the ad. 'ivhat is it that makes a man regulate and fquarehis eourfe oflife accord- ftom finful ing to the rule of holinefs, fo that he avoids the corruptions that are in the world tftioea through lofts? But this looking for the fecond comingof Chrift. This Argilment John the Baptift tiled toprefs upon his hearers the Doébrineof repentance, becaufe the kingdomofGodwasat hand. This is that Upon which Saint Peter grounded his exhortation unto the people, e../Cis 3. r8, Repent (faith he) Alls 3: S; and be converted , that your fins may be blotted out, when the times of refrefhing fhall comefrom theprefence of the Lord: 'Therefore repent, and return unto God, doaway your fins, becaufe there will a time of.refrethingcome, and you had need then to be found in another hue, in another eftate, than inyour oldrotten withered conditionand finful hilts. This is theArumcntthat the Apoftle ufed to the Athe- nians to bring them from Idolatry. to ferve the living God, becaufe God 'bath ap- Acts 57. 3o- pointed a time to, judge the world in rigbteoufnefs, by that man whom hebathordain- ed. Even for that reafon,. becanle God bath appointed a time to judge the world in righteoufnrf , therefore they íhould taint from their Idols toferve the living G,od. here Motiw to abolyGooerfation. 2,05