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206 The ExpeElation of°riftf CÓlrllrlg, or a. Qúicknef9 io holincfs of life. Pet.;. ìi,rz. s. tunhets oat petfcvc- ranee to godli- ncfs. Hohn x.23. Rev. 6; There is nothing that doth founbottome the bean, nothing fo füakcs and loofe- neth a mails hold of fin and unrighteoultefs;as the confideration ofChrifts corning toJudgement: What will it boot me (will the foul reafon) to keepmy fins when Chrift will come to judge me for my fins ? What (hall I get bygoing on in acourfe of fin, when I can look for nothing then, but a reticence of wrath to be denounced againft me ? This then is thatthat doth fettle a man in a holy converfation in that rcfpc&t. Nay fourthly, ibis is that alto which quickneth á man to the practice of all holy in his place; both in his general and particular Calling. It is the very argu- ment which theAponte SaintTeter ufeth, to ftir usup to hounds ofconvecfation Seeing( faith he ) that all thefe things !hall be. diffolved , what Manner' Ofperfom ought we to be in ale holy converfation andgodlinefi, looking for the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavensbeing onfire ¡hall bedif lved, and the elements Jhall melt with fervent heat. As if he Ihould have faid Look now about the whole world, and fee what it is that now can comfortyou, ifyou be fuch as go on in a courfe of fin : It may be yon will fay, I fear not much, for I have Many friends Yea, but al! thefe thall die: It may be thou haft kore oflands ; but all that !half beburnt with fire. Itmaybe thou haft many pleafures ; but then there !hall be nothingbut Judgement. The Comingofthe Lord, that (hall then put an end to all there, and turn the courfe of things, the,expeétation thereof is a fprcial means to take us offfrom a courfe of fin, and put us on to a courfeofobedience, to makeus walk in another kindoffafhion while we are iii the world. Therefore the Apokle Saint 'Patel when he would Ihr up Timothy to the work of the Minikry; what is the A rgumcnt that'he ufeth ? I charge thee before Chriff, who lima judge the quick, and thedead. As ifhe fhould fay ; there /hall be an appearing before the Lord, and therefore ifthou wilt give thy account up with'joy at that day; I charge Wee to look to thy Minikry. So may I fay toevery man in hisplace ; ICharge thee that art a Mater of a Family; look to the bufinefs of thy family,to the falvation ofthe fouls ofthy people. Icharge thee that art a father or amother,to look to the falvationof the foulsof thychildren; 1charge thee that are aChrikian,to look to the falvation of thy own foul. And how is the charge ? r charge thee before the Lord 3efus Chriff, who 'halljudge thequick, and the dead. Becanfe there 'hall come a time,when both thouand they !hall bepre- fent before Chrift at his appearing ; therefore if thou wilt have comfort in them; and in thy fclf, and in Chrift ; be careful to do the duty that concerns thyplace; Looking for the comingoftheLord 3efm So then you fee in this refpeet an there is nothing fo forcible an Argument to fettle a man ma holy converration, in a heavenly courfeas this, for a man alwayee to look for the feeond comingofChrift. Lakly, there is nothing fixeth aman fo conftantly in á holy courfe as this; Otis .converfation (faith the Apoftle) le alwayesin heaven. We alwayes walk on earth' as thofe that afpire to heaven, becaufe we alwayes look for the conning of Chriít Wert thou careful to ferveGodyefterday ? do it todayalto : it maybe Chrift may come now and take thee away by death to day, and there is no preparation for judgement afterward. Little children (faith Saint John) now abidein him, that when he flail appear, we may have confidence, andnot be afhamedbeforehim at hir coming. What is it that giveth a man boldnefs, and takes away fhame from him at the coming of Chrift ? What is the reafon that a man bath not that fpirit of fear and trembling upon him, that 'hall be Upon the hearts of all thofe that go on in fin, when they (hall cry to themountains to fall upon them ? but this, thathe bath continued in a holy converfatioñ, and conflantly walked before the Lord with an upright heart: I have finifhedmy courfe (faith the Apofble) Ihavefought a good fight, I havekept the faith; henceforth is laidupfor me a crown of rio,htecnf. nef, which Chrifb the righteous fudge ¡hall give to me, and to all them that love his appearing. Still the fèrvauts ofGod have encouraged themfelves to perfevcrc in a holy courfe, from the expeftation of the coming ofChrift, that will give them . a reward for their conkancy inhis fervice. It istheArgument that the holyGhoit _ urea).