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The Stewards Summons. t t that our Saviour telleth us, that it ilia!! be eaterfor Sodome andGomoráh, than Ca- pernaum at the day of Judgement. Why fo ? Sodome and gomorah had the Law, but Capernaumhad the Law and the Gofpel too: And (faith the Apoftle Iftber thatobeyednot Mofes law died, ofhowmuchforer judgement(hall they be guilt) of, that difobey the Gofpel ofchrifi,tbe Lawoffaith ? ThusGod will proceed. And therefore, when ye would exercife repentance, followGods order, mourn A di,e @ion more for impenitency, and infidelity, than for other things. Be humbled the netdR o£ for fins against the firlt Table ; for próphanehefs , for Atheifmc, and negle t of repentance. God , than for finsagainft the fecond , though thefe mutt be lamented, and re- pented of too. Again, be more in lamenting the inward finful difpofrtion of thy heart, than thy outwnard'inful a&ions: andforget not the original root ofall, which we brought with ns into the world. I fay, markGods method,and his order : that which he takes molt notice of atthe day of judgement, lay that to thy thoughts, and take greateft notice of it now. It is a grievous thing for a man to be born in fin, but to add a&ual fins to that, it is more grievous. For' a man to fin in thought, and in heart is grievous, but to add adtual fins to thofes it is more grievous. It is a grievous thing for a man to fin againft righteoüfne(s, to deal unjuftly with men , but to deal un- righteonfly with God in point ofhis worfhip,ismore grievous. It is agrievous fin for a man to difobey the lawofGod, but to difobey the law of faith, to delay re- pentance, to defer turning untoGod, is far more grievous. Thus we fbould mark Gods order, that he will obferve, whenhe bringerhus to a reckoning. Thirdly; It is called a reckoning, becaufeGod willproceed with men atthat day i- ßecaufe he ( as Mailers with their fervants ) by writings, by books. In the tenth ofDaniel, will proceed clue book was,opened, and in the zo Revel. there is mentionmade of books that by books. f hould be opened. God will proceed with all his Stewards, upon books that lhallbe Dan. ro. Rev. zó. opened. The books are either-the book of the law, that thews what we fhould . have done : The words that d ¡peak ( faith Chrift ) thefame (hall judgeyou at the Ioha te, 48. lafl' day. And there is one thatjndgeth you , even Mofes that is readdaily. And then fecondly, there is the book of confcience, that (hews what we have done here : Godwill put the memories ofmen to the task , as Abraham did Dives, Son remember that thouin thy life-time hadeft thypleafore. So remember that thou in thy life time hadeft riches, but how didit thou imploy them ? remember that thouhadeft Authority, and office, and place inthe Church ofthe Common-wealth, but what fcrvice dideft thou do to God ? remember that thou hadeft wifdome, and learning, and knowledge, but whatgood had the Church or Common - wealth by it? God 1 fay, will put every mans memory to the task, what opportunities are loft carelefly ; nay, what opportunities he avoided wilfully, when he might have i done God better fcrvice, yet left he thould be difadvantaged inhis by- refpedls in the worldhe banked them: remember this. Thefins of Judah (faithGod) are written witha pen ofIron, andwith the point of tee, ry. i. a `Diamond, they are graven upon thetable oftheir hearts. God bath the fins ofmen graven on the table of their hearts. Little doit thou that art an old man, think of a thoufand things, that God will bringagainft thee, that weredone in thy youth. job little thought till theday of his affli&ion, vvhen Godmade himpolefs the (ins of his youth, that there vvas Inch abundance ofguilt againft him as therevvas. God will rememberthat, that thou haft forgot. Godvvill proceed by books, and this vvill clear Gods juitict in his proceedings, and make every thing appear righteous in the fight affnen and Angels, becaufe everymans confciencefhall teftifie againft himfelf, and therefore the mouth ofall ungodly men (hall be stopped at the day of the Lord, they thatl have nothing to fay for themfclves, vvhyjultice thould not proceedagainftthem. Here (vvill God fay) I find fo much given to ulttry, fomuch gotten- by ufttry ; fo much fpent in vain ; fo much kept injurioufly from the furtherance of Gods vvorfhip, and planting the Gofpel vvherc it was vvanting.; fomuchkept frombenefitingthe Church andCorn- mon- vvealth,inpublick,"inprivate; (omuch from helping the poor: here I find ir, hovv comes it here ? vvas it not vvritten vvith thy ovvn hand? vvas it not thy felt C z that