Life of ggrdce. +21 inull bea removingofthe one, if there be a poffeflìon of the other ; and there mutt be firs a removing of theone, before the other can be in thefoul; As you fee in ficknefs, and in health ; there mull firft be a removing ofucknefs, before the body be ina right sate ofhealth. And as in life and death, this is the order ; they are 'broughtfirft from death to life, and then one üeceflàrily follows theother : as life i neceffarily follows upon the removal ofdeath, andhealth, upon theremoval offidt- nefs. Thirdly,it muffbe fo ; or elle if boththere were not,and'in this order Wrought: what difficulty were there in the lifeof a Chriftian ? what fingular thing were there in a Chriffian,above any man inthe world ? Every man in theWorlddoth outward a&ions ; if there were not fuck a change as from death to life; there were rio dif- ference at all, where werethe difficulty ? The Scriptire faith, The way isnarrow ana ,Itrait that leads to life, and few there be thatfind it: what narrowncfs or ftrait- refs were therein the way to life ? if there were no more but thus,that aman might fettle upon fumeaftions ofReligion,and fo be effe&ually changed ? Ifthis wereall, what great matter were there in Religion? what need Agrippaftand out in the mid- way ? what needhebcbuthalfperfwadedtobea Chriftian ? he might eafily be per - fwaded to be aChriftian, ifhe might hold his Heathenifm, andbe a Chriftian too. ¡What need Fali.e tremble, to bear Paul difpute of righteoufnefs and judgment to come, ifhe might be unrighteous, and a Chriftian too ? What need the young man ¡ be furry, when Chrift bad him fell all and followhim; if he might hold all hehad, and be worldly affe&cd and be a Chriftian too ? what need any ofthe labours old Chriftian ? to what ufe werea power ofgodlinefs fpoken of in Scripture ? What powerful matter were there in Religion, if a manmight hold his fins,and yet be a Chriffian,and abeliever,and be in Chrift too ? a drunkard, and yet be faved ? apro. phaner of the Sabbath , and yet be in Chrift ? what great matter were there ? It were nothing to be a Chriftian , nay who would not be one ? What need Saint Paul expole himfelf to fuch watchings, and-faftings , and fufferings, if he might have goneon in the wayof theWorld,and yet be in Chrift too? No beloved it is another-gates matter tobe a Chriftian, than for a man tohold his old cuftoms, and ways, andcourfes, and yet hope to be laved too. Let no man deceive himfelf with this, thematter ofChriftianity,it is a laborious work,Religion is avery ferìc us thing. A. man thatindcedwill beReligious,hemuff follow Chriffs rule ; firffdeny himfelf,and take up his Crofs and follow him : what need a man deny himfelf,if he migh hold his fins,andyet followChris ? Well know thio,the ground is clear,thert' muff be aturning from fin,as wellas a turning toGod,if a man have union withChrift'..- Now to conclude,with a wordofapplication ; Fits,ifit be fo, It ferves to con.' Vfe..r. wince us this day in the prefenceof God,thc multitude ofus now before the Lord to Convietion. hear the Word, and profefs our union with Chris, andyet there is ne filchmatter. If we were united with Chrift,there wouldbe living to God,by vertue of thatunion with Chris. It is living to God inthecour fe of our life,that gives us comfort ofour union withChris. Deceive not yourfelves, we may fay ofmany, as the Lord faith ofSardis, Thou haî/ a name to live, but art dead. There are abundance that have a name to live, but are dead i Amap would wonderat it, that we should fay to a Congregation of fo many people ; that there were few alive among them all : that the moli whole eyesare now upon the Ivliniser, and whofe ears are open to the Word ; yet they are but dead, they are-notalive, though theywalk,and though they fpeak and dothe aetionsof a natural life ; they live naturally,butaredead fpiriivaily, they have a name to livc,but are dead. The Lord tells Jeremy, lerem.5. That therewasfilch wantofgood men in er11 falera, that he might go up and down the Streets of Jerufalem, and not find a man. A man would wonder that the Lord ihould ufe fuch an expreffion ; Hemight have laid, he (honednot finda good man, a juftM'an, a godly man ; but notfinda man faith hc,as ifhe werenot worthy the nameofa' man in the Streets ofJerufalem, that was not appliable and conformable toGods will. That a man (hould-go iot'he Streets ofLondon, and not find a man; that he (hould go into Moor-fselds on the Sabbath day, and fee a multitude ofdead Ghófts walking there that he fhsuld g°