Life ßf r,riCty. 429 (pollenhito your hearts, this traytor that confpites agaitift the glorÿof God, this( rebel, that maintains a fight againft the kingdomofChrift, do you fo look on it ? It is à fign you are dead to fin , or elfe fin is alive in you , and you are dead in fin. Thirdly, and lafily, confider your a&ions, confider your converfation; doth fin get ftrength, or is it weakened ? For know that this is not themortification of fin, that a man be never troubled with it more, that he never hear more of it, that he be never more troubled with the motions of fin, no ? iNs a man that hash a deadly woundgiven him, it maybe he more fiercely fets onhim that gave him the deadly blow, than ever before ; yet he falls dead at his feet after,fo it is with the motions offin : thinknot When fin is dead,by vertuéof our union with Chrift, that wefhall not be temptedany more to fin, that you (hall nothave fin anymore in you : no, it will be in you, andmoleft you ; But what fruitdo you bringforth? What a&ions do you ? whatftrength hath fin? all the ftrife it hath, is but to difquiet, and difturb you,not to rule and command you as it was wontto do. It is afign that fin is dead naturally, by way of incoation, it will die in the end, you (hall hearno more ofitat the fait : and though it a great while difturbyou and difquiet you ; yet this is your comfort you are difturbed, and youmaintain Gods quarrel again(( your corrupti- ons', and fight againft it : it isa fign it hath a deadly blow. Therefore let every one confider his estate, let no man deny himfelf hisown portion : Ict him that is dead in fin, know thathe is dead, and the wretch ednefs ofthat condition,eternal death be- ginsin that death. Andlet him that is dead to fin, know that he is alive to God, and is among thofe that live inChrift, and (hall be faved. Aword of exhóttation, and fo I conclude, Doth this teflifie our life inChrift, Vfe s. that we are dead to fin ? Thenas you hope for any comfort,or priviledge, or advan: Exhortation, tage by Chrift ; labour to make this good for your fouls, and labour to lecure this evidence moreand more, that you aredead tofin. There are none that hears me this day, but they profeta they hope to be faved by Chrift, and they look for no other nameunder Heaven to be fared by, but thenameofJefus. 'It iscertain, but whowill Clarafave? they arefuch as whom hefan&ifies; and willhe fan&ifiefuch by union withhim are dead to fin, and alive toGod ? Then I befeechyou make this good to yourfeives, firive more, and more tokill fin; take this as a quickning argument,that you are inChrift, and therefore you muff beconformable to Chrift. Saith the Apofflc, Nebore ourfins in hisbody on the Tree, s Pet. 2.24. that we might bedead to fin, and live to rigbteotsfnefr: Whydid Chrift bear your fins in his body upon theTree.? but for this very end ; thatas he died for fin, you might die to fins No lots in dy- Now that we may perfwadeTau, know that it is uponfpecial ground, you lofeno- ;tag to s thing, but get muchby it ; the moreyou die to fin, the lefs you lofe by it. Firft, you (hall not lofe any thing that is comfortable, and good, you (hall not Net life. lofe life by it ; nay indeed the more you fin, the more you die ; every fin isdeadly and mortal, every fin tends to your deffru&ion, to the taking awayof life, this is certain, Therefore look as a manwhen he is in a mortal dangerousdifeafe, that eve- ryman concludes, if thedifeafe prevail he will die ; nay, ithath fo far prevailed,that it will be the deathofhim : you need nomore to perfwadehimto fpend all his efface upon Phyfitians to cure that difeafe. Now the fins that you cannot endure fhould be reproved, that you cannot abide to reform ; they will be death in the end, yoúr eternaldeath,therefore labour efpeciallyagainft them : When wedifwade.youfrom fin, and perfwadeyou topurge out fin, we perfwade you to your cure, to be free fromyourdifeafe,to be free from that that will end in death. You (hall not lofe any reff and peace by it ; the more you mortifiefin, the more Z: Not peace. reff and peace you (hall have; nay,the more fin rules,thelefs ref-land peace; There is nopeace to the wicked: but they ate as the troubled waves of theSea, that alway foam,and cafiupmireanddirt, as the Prophet fpeaks, fuch is the refilefs agitation of :a man that goes on in fm, he is ever refilefs, and unquiet. Wouldyou have peace, andquiet? getouofin that hinders all peace and quiet. Again, you (hall not lofeoutward good things, not credit, and name, andefteem. 3. otefteerq. Nay, what dishonours you, andexpofeth youto reproach,and fhame,and obliquie, is