Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

43z The Death ofSin, ,&c. livetoGod : if there be any life of grace in me, it will appear bymy death to fini I muff makeaccount ofthis,I muff do this ; and this is thebelt wayof making a right ufe of the Sacrament. Whyare men as bad after the Sacrament as before ? becaufe they reckon not; they makenot account for thernfelves, that they are dead to fin. Make account you havereceived lifefrom Chrift, and you muff aft that life, and now letyour felves to it, reafon with your ownhearts, whydo I thus, and thus ? As Ezra reafons, Ezra. 5).13. Lord fence thou haft kept usfrom being beneath forour iniqui- ties, /houldnefn more ? So confider, hath the Lord kept thefrom hell,and admitted me to his Table,where he hack fpoken peacetome,he bath fpokenaeconciliation in Chrilt,fhall I returnto fin againft him ? certainly he will be more angry now then ever he was before : the fins that l commit now,will be greater than all thefuns I have committed hitherto ; for now I'ftn againft more grace, and againft greater mercy-:' forGod hath again renevved the Covenant of peace,vvhereas hemight havecait me off for my former breach,and (hall I provokehimagain ? hath theLord vva(hed me, and (hall I defile myfelf again ? Godforbid. Keafonvvith your felves,I mull not be as I vvas : it is not for me to do asothers thatknovv'not God, and that are not in Covenant vvith God,or as I vvas vvhnt to do before -I knovv what it is to bin dilly fell in covenant, to recive the Sacrament, I muff be inañotherfafh ion, and courfe of life than ever I have been. Therefore when temptations cometó. fin: for you muff not think to be ridofall motions, and temptations to fin : and vvhenfoever there comesnew temptations, not toconclude-you have received the Sacrament in vain,fay not fo,but rather fay,novv comes the trial; this is that vvherebyGod vvill try vvhat fruit comes, of the coftand pains, and mercies he harh beftovved onme; here is a meffenger Pent for fruit, IfI can vvithfland thecommands of fin, and refill the mo- dons, and lookon it as a hateful thing, 1 make it manifeft that I am indeed dead to fin, asthe Scripture faith here, reckon that youare dead to fin. Thereforeas when a man is'delivered froçnbeing-a Galley- nave under the Turks, and his ranfom is paid : ifhis old Matter come, and - command him to the Galleys : he faithno, my ranfome ispaid, -I am free,. and I will not any morebe a ¡lave. So reckon thou arcma more to be filch as thou'vvert'vvent to be for novv reckon your felves faith the Apofle, ifyou beinChrift, thatyou are deadtofin,and alive to God, through Jefes'Chrift ourLord, HOPES,