433 HOPES ANCHORHOLD, HELMET SALVATION. SERMON XXXVÌII. I Cor. I. Ig. Ifin this life onlylvehavehope in Chrif,loeareofallmen moAl mi /erabfe. Will not detain you with.the Argument of this Chapter; nor in the Coherence ofthis Scripture. The fcope ofit (ina word) is thus much. Ifin thislife,in thisWorld, only, for the prefent, we have hopeand confidence in Chrifl, and theaim ofour confidence, and the height ofour hope reach no further , then we, we poor Chriftians ; we the faithful in theWorld, we are ofallmenmelt miferable; yea, we are more miferablethan anyother men. The words contain in them two parts of a Hypotheti- calPropofition;_ of which the firft is an Antecedent (as we call it,) and the other isthe Confegnent. You may call the firfi, a Condition, and the (aft, a Conclu/ion, TheAntecedent or Condition, is this ; Ifin this life only we have hope in Chrifl ; What then ? then the Canlequent or Conclufon is this; then arewe of all men the molt miferable. tut now againftthe e.4ntecedent, there arifeth this Alfemption to make up the fence, to snake it perfeit ; But not in this life only have we hope in Rick a brifö